
    University campuses in China have undergone a drastic change,and the form of the school gates are also evolving as well as developing.The campus gate has from the traditional classical form to now gate in the true sense, since the reform and opening up,  with the gradual opening of ideas, social, economic and cultural development and progress, the school gate function continues to evolve,and the school began to appear relatively rich expression.Paying attention to the dignified and generous, campuses gates are also putting emphasize on the combination of the surrounding environment and the relationship with the campus architecture, school entrance space also pay more attention to identification and openness.The entrance space of the school gate pays more attention to the identity and openness. Therefore, from a certain point of view, we can find the development of Chinese culture by surching from the end of the 19th century to today's China campus gate design.We can also find the Chinese cultural aesthetic development , the development thinking of designers and thedevelopment of China's economy by combining these history.

    The gate of the campus culture is different from each other of every city culture.To seeing big things through small ones,this article focuses on the study of the campus gate design in Shanghai.The gate design styles are different and eye-catchingeye-catching in Shanghai.Through the analysis of several major colleges and universities'gate ,I'll point out the reflection of the school gate design to campus culture,and the problems of some University school gate design in Shanghai.

    Keywords: campus design; campus culture and regional culture; humanization; harmony and unity; functional rationality  


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 IV

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 校园大门概论 1

    1.1.1 中国高校校园大门设计的文化背景和重要性 1

    1.1.2 中国高校校园大门设计的发展历史 1

    2 绪论 2

    2.1 收集资料 2

    2.1.1 上海高校老校区校门调研(上海市区高校) 2

    2.1.2 上海高校新校区校门调研(上海郊区(大学城)高校校区) 3

    2.2 资料汇总、分类 3

    2.2.1 上海老校区校门归类,提出存在的问题 3

    2.2.2 上海高校新校区校门调研(上海郊区(大学城)高校校区) 4

    3 案例分析 6

    3.1 中国知名悠久大学(清华大学)校门分析 6

    3.2 中国知名新建大学(上海交大)校门分析 6

    4 总结 7

    4.1 问题总结 7

    4.2所学到的内容 7

    致谢 8


    1 绪论

    1.1 校园大门概论


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