




    The application of interactive experience in the product display -- the design of YAMAHA's wooden guitar

    Abstract: This paper shows the design of the interactive experience and virtual reality technology related issues involved in the discussion, and strive to create a people-oriented, humane and personalized display space.

    In the era of multimedia application, "interaction design" is necessary for all kinds of exhibitions, "interaction design" in contemporary is how to develop and how to use in order to achieve the most suitable means of information dissemination in the traditional means of display can be immersive to "control" system, improve audience participation, not only has the auditory, visual more deep touch, if can better "interaction design" into the exhibition, through interactive communication and better dissemination of information in the exhibition.

    Now consumers are not only satisfied with the passive acceptance of the traditional display display, more is the need for more personalized and humanized design. Modern display design, space and display art shows the basic elements. However, with the continuous development of science and technology, consumer's constant pursuit of new things, display design also in constant change, people in the exhibition space is no longer single to watch, and more want to participate, to explore and to exhibit dominant process. Therefore, the designer should pay special attention to the relationship between space, goods and consumers, emphasizing the consumer in the process of experience, participation, exchange.

    Keywords: Interactive experience, display design, interactive design 


    封面 1

    摘要 2

    一、绪论 4

    1.1 研究的目的与意义 4

    1.2国内外研究的背景及发展情况 4

    1.3 研究方法与手段 5

    1.4 研究思路 5

    二、互动体验设计理念 6

    2.1互动体验的概念 6

    2.2 互动体验展示形式在展会中的应用案例 6

    2.2.1国内应用案例 6


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