Abstract: In the prolonged course of development of Chinese art, dong qichang is an influential figure。 His book theory has had a profound influence on later generations。 Dong qichang proposed in the painting purport of cooked view is one of the core theory of the book, but also the pursuit of his calligraphy creation theory and practice。
This article first explores the domestic exclusive view of mind and to the ideological root of chan yu book; And then analyses the concept of book learning, explains the word must be obtained after achieving mastery show, on the basis of skilled creative, innovative, formed its own unique style, on the basis of a certain quantitative change to qualitative change。 And then to "life" is the basis of "practice", "practice" is the sublimation of "life" and the "raw" g "practice", to "raw" g "common" dialectical relationship to, hope to have a comprehensive understanding and help for future learning of calligraphy。
Key words: Dong Qichang, raw, cooked
目 录
序言:问题的提出 6
1。“字须熟后生”的思想根源 7
1。1 心学独尊 7
1。2 以禅喻书 7
2 “字须熟后生”书学观浅析 9
2.1熟——精熟平淡 8
2.2生——拙朴秀润 9
3 生熟的关系 11
3。1“熟”是“生”的基础,“生”是“熟”的升华 11
3。2 以“生”克“熟”,以“生”克“俗” 12
结语 13
参考文献 14
致谢 15
序言 :问题的提出
董其昌主张“字可生”,曾在《画旨》中提及“生熟观”,他认为:“画与字各有门庭,字可生,画不可不熟,字须熟后生,画须熟外熟。” 认为字与画是有不同的,画注重意境,而字注重意韵。字要与前人有所差别,要从古代严谨的法度约束中解放出来,创造出属于自己的特点,有新的想法与认识。董其昌提出的生熟观是那一时代的产物,既合乎了人们的审美需求,又符合了时代的发展。他认为“生”就是要不拘泥于古代严谨的法度,要创新,有独特的想法。书法不受外在的束缚,是表现内心的自由与情感,所以需用“生”来加以约束,才不那么轻率浮华,才会严谨。在绘画技法熟能生巧后,以“生”出新意显得更为重要。画必须描写外在事物,首先熟练的把握表现技能,然后进入自由表现“心”的境界,这就须“熟外熟”。作字时字可生,给人一种古朴稚拙的美感,而画须熟外熟,追求天真平淡的趣味,平淡之极又展现出生拙之味,生和拙都是艺术成熟后的表现。