Abstract Apple will enter from the previous year came news from the auto industry, this message through continuous fermentation。 Many Apple users have become impatient up。 There are many foreign websites hosted a lot of Apple electric car concept design competition。 From these we can see the possibility of apple production of electric vehicles is very great feasibility。 Apple has almost covered the electronics industry, the market has been developed almost the same。 Apple is concerned, the car is like a giant electronic products, there is great potential worth developing。 Development of pure electric vehicles in recent years has been an upward trend, which greatly eased the situation of urban traffic congestion。 Apple designed a brand of electric cars is undoubtedly in line with the trend of the trend of the times and the public。 According to existing Apple products extracted characteristics of the product, applied to the car's exterior, and design characteristics of the apple, the full sense of science and technology of electric vehicles。
Keywords:Apple、Pure electric vehicles、Technological sense
第一章 绪论1
1。1 研究背景1
1。2 研究目的与意义-2
1。3 苹果产品的发展与个人代步工具的发展现状-2
1。3。1 苹果产品的发展史及发展现状2
1。3。2 个人代步工具的演变及现代产品的特点7
第二章 苹果产品特征与个人代步工具的分析12
2。1 苹果产品特征12
2。2 个人代步工具14
2。4 本章小结-17
第三章 基于苹果品牌特征的个人代步工具设计研究21
3。2 动力分析22
3。3 方案设计25
第一章 绪论
在Re/code科技大会上,面对“苹果公司将寻找哪些新市场?”对于这个问题,苹果公司的副总裁杰夫·威廉姆斯(Jeff Williams)对外宣称:“汽车可以说是终极移动设备。”由此可以推测,苹果公司对汽车行业有了进入的想法。论文网
消息一出,汽车界震动。梅赛德斯-奔驰总裁Dieter Z e t s c he对外宣称,汽车的研发需要付出大量的资金。苹果电子产品的投资回报率(ROI)约为25%,但是呢,对于汽车公司来讲,ROI仅仅只有有10%。我无法找出一个原因来说服自己,为什么(苹果)它愿意为了那么一点微薄的利润进入汽车行业?”通用汽车公司的CEO( Dan A k e r son)也对此发表自己的看法,他觉得苹果公司可以低估了设计开发汽车将会遇到的困难。