摘 要目的 了解儿童龋齿的发生状况并探讨其与儿童口腔卫生保健习惯、饮食习惯及其父母口腔卫生知识知晓情况的相关性。方法 按照分层随机整群抽样的方法调查温州市2所小学共198名儿童的龋齿发生状况及其相关生活行为方式,由其父母亲填写调查问卷。问卷内容主要包括:儿童基本资料、儿童口腔健康状况、儿童生活行为方式、儿童口腔卫生保健习惯、父母口腔卫生知识知晓情况及儿童口腔健康教育的需求与利用。本研究主要分析了这198例儿童的龋齿发生状况及其与上述生活行为方式之间的相关性。其中,儿童龋齿的发生主要以龋、失、补牙数之和(简称DMFT)来衡量。其中“龋”即已龋坏尚未充填的牙;“失”指因龋丧失的牙;“补”为因龋已做填充的牙。 结果 本研究的结果显示,温州市小学生群体总患龋率为58。60%,平均DMFT为3。67,经统计学检验,患龋率和平均DMFT均显著高于2005年全国12岁儿童调查的结果(患龋率28。90%,DMFT0。54)。在儿童的生活行为方式上,摄入以下不健康饮食每天/每周至少1次的儿童,其DMFT均显著高于很少进食此类食物的儿童,P值均小于0。05。这些不健康饮食包括:面包/饼干/蛋糕等甜点、糖果/巧克力、雪碧/可乐等碳酸饮料、糖水、橙汁等果汁(不包括鲜榨水果汁)。此外,睡前进食甜点或喝甜饮料每周至少1次的儿童DMFT显著高于睡前从不进食甜点或喝甜饮料的儿童(P<0。05);选择含氟牙膏刷牙的儿童平均DMFT显著低于对牙膏无特殊要求的儿童(P<0。05);接受过窝沟封闭治疗的儿童,其平均DMFT显著低于未接受过的儿童(P<0。05);3岁以前开始刷牙的儿童,其DMFT显著低于3岁及以后开始刷牙的儿童。而从家长认知的角度来看,认为需要定期检查牙齿的家长,其孩子的平均DMFT显著低于认为不需要定期检查牙齿的家长(P<0。05);了解窝沟封闭作用的家长,其孩子的平均DMFT显著低于不了解窝沟封闭作用的家长(P<0。05)。 结论 儿童龋齿状况与儿童饮食习惯、口腔卫生习惯及其父母口腔卫生知识知晓情况有着密切的联系,为降低儿童患龋率,家庭、学校、社会均应鼓励儿童注重口腔保健并提高其父母对口腔卫生知识的掌握。89252
ABSTRACT Objective To investigate the elementary school students' dental caries status and explore the correlatioin among the dental caries in children and their oral hygiene habits,daily diet habits as well as the parents’ knowledge and attitude towards oral health。 Methods A stratified cluster sampling design was applied to obtain a representative sample group consisted of 198 children in Wenzhou from 2 elementary schools。The data including children’s basic information, children’s dental caries status, their oral hygiene habits,daily diet habits,parents’ knowledge and attitude towards oral health and the demand of children's oral health education was obtained through questionnaire finished by children’s parents。This research basically analyzed the dental caries in children and the correlation among the dental caries and their health-related life behavior。 Dental caries status was evaluated by the quantity of decayed,missing or filled teeth(DMFT)。 Results The results of this study showed that the caries prevalence rate of elementary school students’ in Wenzhou was 58。60%,and the average DMFT was 3。67,which were significantly higher than those of the 12-year-old children surveyed in 2005 after statistical examination(caries prevalence rate28。90%,DMFT0。54)。The DMFTs of children eating unhealthy foods more than once a day/week were significantly higher than those with low intake frequency(P<0。05)。Unhealthy foods include bread/cookie and other deseerts, candy/chocolates, sprite/cola,etc。,fruit juice(excluding freshly squeezed fruit juices)。The DMFT of children eating desserts or sweet drinks before sleeping frequently like more than once a week was significantly higher than those with low frequency(P<0。05)。The DMFT of children selecting fluoride toothpaste was significantly lower than those of no special requirement。The DMFT of children starting to brush teeth before 3 was significantly lower than those starting at 3 or even later。The DMFT of children received pit and fissure sealant was significantly lower than those who didn’t(P<0。05)。The DMFT of children,whose parents think it’s necessary to check teeth regularly, was significantly lower than children whose parents didn’t think so(P<0。05)。The DMFT of children,whose parents were aware of the effects of pit and fissure sealant was significantly lower than those who se parents didn’t(P<0。05)。 Conclusion Elementary school students' dental caries status is closely correlated with their oral hygiene habits,daily diet habits and the parents’ knowledge and attitude towards oral health。In oder to reduce the prevalence rate of caries in children,school, family, community, etc。 should attach great importance to guide the children to develop healthy daily diet habits and oral hygiene habits as well as improve the awareness rate of parents’ oral health knowledge。来自优Q尔W论E文R网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ75201.8766