    摘要:高脂日粮能够诱导小鼠肥胖症,引起动物肝脏脂肪化以及机体代谢的紊乱,并引起机体内的氧化应激等各类危害,而有关高脂日粮对雌性动物子宫等生殖器官的发育影响以及相关机制的研究目前较少。因此,更深入的研究高能饲料对雌性小鼠子宫发育的影响,不仅对深入研究繁殖系统发育的调节机制具有重要意义,还可以为解决由肥胖引起的各种问题提供新的方法和思路。本研究将10 只雌性 ICR 小鼠随机平分 2 组,通过长期饲喂实验组(T)小鼠高脂日粮,对照组(C)普通日粮来诱导肥胖小鼠模型,并应用 HE 染色技术从组织和形态上观察高脂组的肝脏、子宫及腺体等组织切片与对照组的差异,然后进一步通过免疫组织化学分析来探究高脂日粮对小鼠子宫发育影响的相关蛋白,包括 PARP-1、PARG、caspase-3。结果显示,高脂组小鼠日增重显著高于对照组,p <0.05,高脂组小鼠成年体重显著高于对照组,p < 0.05;高脂组小鼠肝脏切片呈现脂肪肝症状,且肝脏指标检测中,总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酯(TG)、低密度脂蛋白(LDL-C)含量均显著高于对照组,p < 0.05;观察高脂组小鼠子宫切片发现,子宫腺体比对照组更稀疏,腺体内空腔较窄,形状为不规则椭圆形,出现部分无腺体区域,而且高脂组小鼠子宫切片上腺体的数目显著少于对照组,p <0.05;另外,PARP-1、PARG、caspase-3 三种相关蛋白在小鼠子宫内都有不同程度的表达,但各种蛋白在高脂组与对照组上的表达差异不明显,有待进一步的定量研究。37260
    Effects of high - fat diet on uterine development of miceAbstract: High fat diet can induce mouse obesity, causing animal liver fat and the body's metabolicdisorders, and cause the body's oxidative stress as well as other hazards, but effects of the high-fat diet onthe female animal uterus and other reproductive organs development as well as their related mechanismsare less studied currently. Therefore, the further study of the effects of high energy feed on uterinedevelopment in female mice is of great significance not only to study the mechanism of reproductivesystem development, but also to provide new methods and ideas for solving various problems caused byobesity. In this study, 10 female ICR mice were randomly pided into two groups. The obese mice modelwas induced by long-term feeding of experimental group (T) mice with high fat diet, the control group (C)was fed with regular diet. The effects of high-fat diet on the uterus development of mice were investigatedby hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) Staining and immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis, including somerelated protein such as PARP-1, PARG and Caspase-3. The results showed that the daily gain of thehigh-fat group was significantly higher than that of the control group, p < 0.05; the adult body weight of thehigh fat group was significantly higher than that of the control group, p < 0.05; the liver slices of the highfat group showed fatty liver symptoms. The levels of total Cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG) and lowdensity lipoprotein (LDL-C) were significantly higher than those in the control group (p < 0.05). What’smore, uterine glands are more sparse than the control group, the gland cavity is narrow, the shape ofirregular oval, there part of the absence of glandular area, and high fat group uterine slice of the number ofglands is significantly less than the control group, p < 0.05. In addition, PARP-1, PARG and caspase-3 wereexpressed in different degrees in the mouse uterus, but the expression of PARP-1, PARG and caspase-3 wasnot obvious in the high-fat group and the control group but needs further quantitative studies.
    Key words: high-fat diet; obesity; uterus; glands; related proteins
    目 录
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