    Detection and Analysis of Pseudorabies Pathogens
    in Some Scale piggeries in Jiangsu Province
    Abstract: In this study, PCR technology was used to detect porcine pseudorabies pathogens. The specimen were collected from 42 large-scale piggeries in different regions in Jiangsu Province , from January to December in 2016. 2365 samples were collected by means of collection, inspection and autopsy in piggeries. After the specimen were treated , PCR was uesed to dectect the pathogens. The results of four quarters, different regions and different piggeries was analyzed and compared with the statistics in 2015.The results showed that 374 positive samples of porcine pseudorabies were detected, the positive rate was 15.4%, 6.4% higher than the positive rate in 2015. From the aspect of time distribution, the positive rate of pathogens were low in summer and autumn than the rate in spring and winter; From the aspect of spatial distribution, the positive rate of pathogens in northern Jiangsu and middle part of Jiangsu Province is higher than the southern Jiangsu region. The positive rate in different scale piggeries gradually decreased with theenlargement of piggeries obviously. This experiment can provide the relevant reference for the development of the control measures of pseudorabies in the large-scale piggeries in Jiangsu Province.
    Key words: porcine pseudorabies; pathogen detection; statistical analysis
    目  录

    Key words1
    1 材料与方法3
    1.1 材料 3
    1.1.1病料组织    3
    1.1.2主要试剂 3
    1.1.3主要器材 3
    1.2 方法  3
    1.2.1 DNA抽提3
    1.2.2 PCR扩增4
    1.2.3 琼脂糖凝胶电泳分析4
    1.2.4 PCR扩增产物的回收与纯化4
    1.2.5部分基因组测序 4
    2 结果5
    2.2 江苏省2016年与2015年伪狂犬阳性率比较 5
    2.3 2016年4个季度猪伪狂犬阳性率5
    2.4 2016年江苏省不同地区伪狂犬阳性率检测情况5
    2.5 不同规模猪场伪狂犬检测情况6
    2.6部份病原基因组的测序及分析 7
    3  分析与讨论 7
    3.1结果分析 7
    3.1.1整体分析 7
    3.1.2 2016年阳性率高于2015年的可能原因7
    3.1.3 季节对病原感染的影响7
    3.1.4 地域特点对病原感染的影响7
    3.1.5 猪场规模对比病原感染的影响7
    3.1.6 进化树同源性分析  8
    3.2 关于江苏地区猪伪狂犬病防控的思考  8
    伪狂犬病(Pseudorabies Disease)又称Aujeszky氏病[1],由伪狂犬病毒(Pseudorabies Virus, PRV)引起的多种动物共患的一类急性传染病。猪是该病的天然宿主、贮存者和传播者[2]。
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