    关键词  分布式电源  配电网   可靠性   孤岛运行

    Title    Research of the Reliability of Power Distribution   Network with Distributed Generation                                                
    First,there will be introduced a new operating mode with the access of the distributed generation to the distribution network--the island operation mode.The principle of pision of the island is cleared.According to the degree of importance of different load,the concept of equivalent loads is used.The aim of function is the maximum of equivalent loads.Also,a more flexible islanding operation mode is considered.Then some common reliability indices of load and system of distribution network and the traditional reliability calculation method of distribution network are introduced.For the case of adding distributed generation ,the minimal path method is adopted.Finally,a typical distributed network with the access of the distributed generation is applied to testify the reliability of the model.By comparing the calculated results,the case show that with the proper pision of the island,the distributed generation can increase the reliability of distribution system.In the condition of more advanced distribution automation,the more flexible islanding operation mode is also able to increase the reliability of distribution network.
    Keywords  Distributed Generation   Distribution Network   Reliability      Island operation
    目   次  
    1  绪论   1
    1.1  分布式电源   1
    1.2  配电网可靠性   2
    1.3  分布式电源对配电网可靠性的影响及研究现状   3
    1.4  本文的主要工作   3
    2  孤岛运行   4
    2.1  孤岛运行原则   4
    2.2  有意识的孤岛划分算法   4
    2.3  更灵活的孤岛运行方式   5
    2.4  智能的孤岛运行方式   6
    2.5  孤岛运行分布式电源的接口模式   6
    3  计及分布式电源影响的配电网可靠性指标与计算   8
    3.1 配电网可靠性指标    8
    3.2  配电网供电可靠性指标计算方法   8
    3.3 含分布式电源的配电网可靠性分析   10
    4  算例分析  13
    4.1  算例  13
    4.2  孤岛划分  15
    4.3  可靠性指标计算结果  15
    4.4 计算结果分析   19
    结论   20
    致谢   21
    参考文献   22
    1  绪论
    1.1  分布式电源
        分布式电源(DG ——distributed generation),是指在用户附近的,发出的电能就地使用,以35kV及以下的电压等级接入电网,且单个并网点总装机容量不超过 10MW的发电项目。包括太阳能、风能、天然气、地热能、生物质能、资源综合利用发电等类型[1-5]。
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