    摘要天然气的热电冷三联产是一种节能环保有效能源利用方式。本论文主要是以某地区某建筑研究背景,对于一个500kW的天然气热电冷三联产系统的设计与优化。主要工作是先对该建筑的负荷进行模拟预估。其预估结果:热负荷8661.5kW,冷负荷9810.6kW,电负荷3817 kW。并根据预估进行负荷计算,通过两台单机容量1400kW的燃气蒸汽锅炉,一台单机容量为350kW的余热蒸汽锅炉进行供暖,通过一台单机容量为630kW的内燃发电机组发电,通过2台制冷量为4070kW的燃气双效溴冷机组,1台制冷量为580kW的蒸汽双效溴冷机组进行供冷。并进行系统优化,添加冰蓄冷装置,地源热泵机组提高能源的利用效率。并设计回路,兼顾能源利用率的提高和投资的收益。20554
    毕业论文关键词: 天然气  热电冷三联产  500kW   设计  优化
    Title    The  Design  and  the  Optimization  of  a  500kW  Gas   Trigeneration   System                                               
    A trigeneration system based on a natural-gas turbine is one of the energy-saving, energy-efficient and environmental friendly ways in these days. This article is mainly both a design and an optimization of a 500kW trigeneration system based on a natural-gas turbine for a building somewhere. The first main work is to simulate the load of the building in this paper. The expected result is that the heat load is 8661.5 kW, the cold load is 9810.6 kW and the electric load is 3817 kW. Then calculate the load according to the forecast data. We use two gas steam boilers with the single machine capacity of 1400kW, one waste heat steam boiler with the single machine capacity of 350kW for heating, and use one 630kW diesel generator set to generate power, as well as two gas double-effect bromide colding units with the refrigerating capacity of 4070kW, one 580kW steam double-effect bromide cooling unit for refrigerating. After that, we made a system optimization by adding ice storage device and ground source heat pump machine to improve the efficiency of energy utilization. The design of the loop also should take both the improvement of energy efficiency and investment earnings into consideration.
    Keywords: Natural-gas; Trigengration system; 500kW; Design; Optimization
    目   次
    1 绪论    1
    1.1我国的能源现状    1
    1.2 旧模式的弊端    2
    1.3天然气热电冷三联产    3
    1.4 主要工作流程    4
    2负荷需求    6
    2.1 建筑背景    6
    2.2 建筑冷热负荷    8
    2.3建筑电负荷指标    10
    2.4建筑生活热水及蒸汽需求    10
    3设计方案    12
    3.1 设计需求    12
    3.2 主要设备    12
    3.3 系统设计及计算    17
    4方案分析及优化    19
    4.1方案优化设计    19
    4.2优化方案设备    21
    4.3方案优化计算    22
    4.4方案分析    22
    4.5方案优化    23
    结  论    25
    致  谢    26
    参考文献    27
    附表一     29
    1 绪论
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