    关键词: 交通事故;分级报警;二次事故预警
    Title   Road Traffic Accident Graded Alarming & Warning System                    
    At present, the traffic deaths in China remain the first around the world. As a result, the road traffic safety situation is still serious. With the increasing number of vehicles, the lack of experience on disposal of accidents, and the lack of information collection equipments and/or other factors, traffic accidents together with the “secondary- accident” often occurs.
    In this paper, considering some important index, the classification method of traffic accident is proposed, providing the basis for the classification of emergency response. As while, the equipment of automatic alarming on traffic accidents and early warning on secondary accident is designed, which involves acceleration sensor, S3C6410 processor, GPS module, GPRS module and sound-light alarm module. When accidents occur, the device respond and judge accident alert level automatically, at the same time, according to the level of alert, information about the accident such as location, casualties and car damage is sent to relatives, police or paramedics, etc. Meanwhile, warning of secondary accidents is activated by sound-light module, which has a meaningful prospect, as it effectively reduce the casualties and economic losses caused by untimely alarm.
    Keywords: traffic accidents; graded traffic accident alarming; early warning of secondary accident
     目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景及意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究及实践现状    1
    1.3  研究内容    3
    1.4  拟解决的关键问题    3
    1.5  研究思路及技术路线    3
    2  事故检测指标及警情划分    5
    2.1  事故检测指标    5
    2.2  警情划分    7
    3  装置功能与研发思路及具体实现    10
    3.1  装置功能    10
    3.2  装置研发思路及具体实现    10
    4  装置研发    13
    4.1  短信模块    13
    4.2  传感器模块    16
    4.3  GPS模块    20
    4.4  系统工作流程图    21
    5  装置评价    23
    5.1  创新点    23
    5.2  尚存在问题及解决方案    23
    5.3  拓展功能    24
    5.4  经济效益    24
    结论    26
    致谢    27
    参考文献    28
    1  绪论
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