    关键词: 配电网;故障选线;MATLAB/Simulink;比幅比相;
    Title  Method of fault line selection in distribution network
    Fault line detection for distribution network is of great importance to enhance the reliability and quality of power supply, which makes it a comprehensive issue of both security and stability of power grid and power supply reliability.
    Based on the relevant literature, several methods of fault line selection for distribution network are concluded in this paper. The rest of the paper is arranged as follows. First, we analyze the present situation of fault line selection especially those methods widely used in engineering practice. Then different fault line selection methods are compared comprehensively in their advantages and disadvantages. Next, 2 methods are selected to complete the simulation by MATLAB/Simulink, which are “Amplitude and phase comparing method for zero sequence voltage and zero sequence current” and “Amplitude comparison method for the transient zero sequence current in power frequency period”. Finally, a distribution network model is established to show the effectiveness and applicability of the selected method.
    Key Words:  Distribution network; Fault line selection; MATLAB/Simulink;
    Amplitude comparison and the phase comparator;
    目    次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景和意义    1
    1.2  故障选线方法现状    2
    1.2.1  配电网故障主要类型    2
    1.2.2  目前使用的故障选线方法    2
    1.2.3  故障选线方法优缺点对比    3
    1.3  本文研究内容和技术路线    4
    1.3.1  研究内容    4
    1.3.2  研究思路    5
    1.4  章节安排    5
    2  小电流接地系统单相故障选线方法    6
    2.1  单相接地故障特征分析    6
    2.1.1  中性点不接地系统单相故障特征    6
    2.1.2  中性点不接地系统单相接地故障特点    6
    2.1.3  中性点经消弧线圈接地系统单相故障特征    7
    2.2  配电网单相接地故障选线方法    8
    2.2.1  中性点不接地系统单相故障选线方法    8
    2.2.2  中性点经消弧线圈接地系统单相故障选线方法    9
    3  小电流接地系统单相故障选线仿真分析    12
    3.1  中性点不接地系统仿真    12
    3.1.1  各模块参数与仿真模型    12
    3.1.2  仿真结果与分析    18
    3.2  中性点经消弧线圈接地系统仿真    22
    3.2.1  各模块参数与仿真模型    22
    3.2.2  仿真结果与分析    28
    3.3  两种选线方法的对比    35
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