    关键字   交流永磁伺服电机   组成结构  参数设置  信号控制 速度控制模式
    Title    Research on Application of Mitsubishi AC permanent     
             magnet servo system                    
    In recent years, permanent magnet AC system motor has been rapidly developed and widely used, is an important part of CNC machine tools, industrial robots and other factory automation equipment. With the continuous expansion of production scale, it demands more for AC permanent magnet servo system which drives the AC permanent magnet servo motor mainly ,and puts forward  higher  requirements for its application study. Therefore, the research on the application of the Mitsubishi  AC permanent magnet servo system is described. Fully understand the composition of the Mitsubishi AC permanent magnet servo system,analyse the types of the required singals in the speed , position ,torque mode. And complete the external hardware connection.Check the line, power,signals before it is Debugging and running .Set the parameters and the control signals to make the servo system operate in the mode of speed control.Then switch in the 8 kinds of interior speed and analog speed.And operate the software corresponding to the Mitsubishi servo system to monitor the system,set the parameters and so on.
    Keywords  Permanent magnet AC servo motor    Composition   Parameter         
              setting    control singals   speed control mode
     目   次 
    1  引言(或绪论)    1
    1.1  交流永磁伺服系统简介    1
    1.1.1  研究背景    1
    1.1.2  伺服系统的作用    1
    1.1.3  伺服系统的分类    1
    1.1.4  伺服系统的基本要求和特点    2
    1.1.5  交流永磁伺服系统的优势以及发展前景    2
    2   伺服系统组成结构与方框图    4
    2.1  伺服放大器    4
    2.2  交流永磁电机与编码器    5
    2.3  伺服控制器    5
    2.4  交流伺服系统的组成方框图及说明    5
    2.4.1  伺服系统在位置控制模式时的系统结构组成以及说明    5
    2.4.2  伺服系统在速度控制模式时的系统结构组成及其说明    6
    2.4.3  伺服系统在转矩控制模式时的系统结构组成及其说明    6
    3  安装及信号接线    7
    3.1  伺服驱动器与辅助设备的总接线    7
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