    关键词: 电动汽车 充电机 控制策略 仿真
    Title  The research on control strategy of electric car charging                    
    Electricity instead of gasoline is used by electric vehicles as the motor power, which can realize no emission and lower noise. Electric vehicles will provide a solution to current energy crisis and environmental pollution. The design of the charger and its control will guarantee the operation of electric vehicles. This paper aims at studying the control strategy of the intelligent fast charging of lithium battery so as to effectively protect the battery and speed up the charging process.
    The negative feedback control with the current and the voltage as the input of the control loop is adopted in this paper. Combining the triangular characteristics of pulse signal, the control strategy  will provide the BUCK circuit with effective duty cycle to control the charging voltage and current. The design of this control strategy is pided in two parts, namely the topology of the charging circuit and control circuit. Parameters are analyzed and simulations are conducted by using MATLAB .
    Simulation results show that combing the constant current and constant voltage charging and applying effective control according to the data collected in the charging process ,the charging of lithium batteries will be much more efficient and safer.
    Keywords: electric vehicle  charging  control strategy  simulation
     目  次
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题背景与意义    1
    1.2 国内外研究状况    1
    1.3 电动汽车发展前景分析    5
    1.4 课题研究的主要内容    5
    1.5本章小结    6
    2充电机基本原理及锂离子电池介绍    7
    2.1 动力电池分类    7
    2.2 锂离子电池的充放电特性    8
    2.3 锂电池特性    8
    2.4 锂离子电池的充电方法    10
    2.5 锂电池充电极化问题介绍    13
    2.6 充电机工作原理    13
    2.7充电机分类    13
    2.8 本章小结    15
    3 锂电池充电机系统设计    16
    3.1 充电机设计要求及相关指标    16
    3.2 隔离式变换器的选择分析    16
    3.3 充电机主电路拓扑结构及其工作原理    19
    3.4 充电机主电路的参数设计    20
    3.5 充电机主电路仿真与分析    23
    3.6 本章小结    25
    4 设计锂电池充电控制策略    27
    4.1 充电控制技术    27
    4.2 锂电池智能充电策略分析    27
    4.3 仿真中锂电池等效    29
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