    毕业论文关键词: 史密斯补偿;增益自适应性补偿控制;PID控制
    Multi-point average furnace temperature control based on Gain adaptive delay compensation
    Abstract: Before the workpiece being rolled in the steel mill, it needs to be heated to a certain temperature. After measuring the temperature of the furnace, the average temperature is set as the feedback quantity for controlling the flow of fuel. There is a serious lag in this process, and the overshoot of the general PID control is too large, so it can’t meet the requirements. To improve this situation, Smith compensation control will be introduced in this paper in order to improve the performance and stability of the control in systems by taking measures at somewhere in the control system, after this, the changed channel and the denominator of the system transfer function do not contain pure lags. On this basis, adding a pider, a front differential link (TD=τ) and a multiplier is become the adaptive compensation control. An automatic correction is provided by the ratio of the signal model and process output signal in these three aspects. Finally, using Matlab/Simulink realizes the simulation and debugging of the control system. The results proved that the use of pure lag adaptive compensation, both to overcome the effects of pure delay time of the control system, but also on imprecise model, which must be corrected.
    KeyWords: Smith compensation;gain of adaptive compensation control ;PID control
    1    绪论1
    1.1    研究的目的及意义1
    1.2    国内外研究现状与水平1
    1.3    过程控制系统简介2
    1.3.1    过程控制理论的发展现状2
    1.3.2    过程控制系统仿真5
    1.4    软件Matlab/Simulink简介7
    1.4.1    软件Matlab简介7
    1.4.2    软件Simulink简介10
    2    加热炉多点平均温度控制系统设计11
    2.1    史密斯补偿控制11
    2.1.1    纯滞后补偿的基本原理11
    2.1.2    史密斯滞后补偿控制12
    2.2    加热炉多点温度控制纯滞后补偿系统13
    2.3    加热炉多点温度控制纯滞后自适应补偿系统15
    3    加热炉多点平均温度系统仿真18
    3.1    史密斯补偿控制仿真18
    3.2    基于增益自适应纯滞后补偿控制仿真19
    4    总结25
    1     绪论
    1.1 研究的目的及意义
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