    摘要随着我国经济高速地发展,全世界的能源逐渐地减少,环境的污染问题也逐渐增加。于是,体积小、效率高、污染低的发光二极管( )逐渐进入市场。 照明与驱动电源的发展水平是密不可分的。本文在研究了各种电路拓扑后,选择合适的电路拓扑设计出一款低功率、适合 照明的恒流驱动电源,仿真和调试后,证明实验结果能够达到预期目标。以下为本文的主要内容:
    (1)研究了 的结构特点、特征参数等。分析了目前主要用于驱动电源的各种电路拓扑,包括降压、升压、升-降压、反激、正激等电路拓扑。
    (2)提出选择反激电路作为 驱动电源的主电路拓扑,研究其在 和 两种模式下的工作特点及相互转化,并在 软件上进行仿真。
    (3)完成了基于反激拓扑的驱动电源设计,调试结果表明其能够达到预定的恒流目的。同时,通过应用 软件设计出 驱动电源的控制界面,并实现测试和调光。25449
    关键词  LED驱动电源    Flyback    MATLAB   仿真   调光
    Title    Design of a the Low-power LEDs  Driving Circuit and Simulation                              
    With the high speed of China's economic development, gradually reduce the world's energy, environmental pollution problem is also increasing. Thus, small size, high efficiency, low pollution-emitting diode (LED) gradually enters the market. Level lighting and driving power are inextricably linked. Based on the study of the various circuit topologies, selecting the appropriate circuit topology design a low-power, after constant current driving power for lighting, simulation and debugging, the experimental results prove able to achieve the desired objectives. The following is the main content of this paper:
    (1) The structural features characteristic parameters. It analyzes the main power source for driving various circuit topologies, including Buck, Boost, Buck- Boost, Flyback, Forward, etc.
    (2) The Flyback circuit is selected to be a driving power of the main circuit topology, studied in two modes of work and the characteristics and transformation, and simulated in software.
    (3) The driving power flyback topology is completed to design, debugging results show that it can achieve the desired constant purpose. At the same time, through the application of software designed driving power control interface, and implement testing and dimming.
    Keywords  LED Driving Circuit   Flyback   MATLAB   Simulation Dimming
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景和意义    1
    1.2  LED照明的特点    1
    1.3  LED的发光原理和特征参数    1
    1.4  低功率LED驱动电源的重要性    3
    1.5  低功率LED驱动电源技术的研究现状    3
    1.6  本章小结    3
    2  低功率LED驱动电源电路    5
    2.1  低功率LED驱动电源的主电路拓扑    5
    2.2  反激变换器    7
    2.3  仿真软件MATLAB简介    9
    2.4  仿真电路图    9
    2.5  仿真结果与分析    10
    3  LED驱动电源的设计    16
    3.1  设计规格    16
    3.2  设计思路    16
    3.3  驱动芯片简介    16
    3.4  设计步骤    17
    3.5  设计结果    22
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