    毕业论文关键词  多智能体 编队控制 纯方位 算法 仿真
    Title  Distributed control of formations using bearing-only Measurements
    In recent years, the rapid development of communications and information technology in recent years provide developments in the multi-agent domains with support technologically, making the multi-agent formation control become a hot research topic in current academia.
    The problem of multi-agent formation control is to keep the desired geometry shape
    and react to the constraints of environment when a group made up of multiple agents are moving to the specific target or going to perform tasks. Multi-agent bearing-only formation control is a important part of Multi-agent formation control. The interference of noise or the failure of distance measuring equipment may happen to the multi-agent system in the process of motion , which could lead to each one only obtain angle information. Therefore, how to maintain the stability of the formation in the case of bearing-only information is of significance.
    Bearing-only multi-agent formation control algorithms are studied in this thesis. This paper firstly introduces bearing-only triangular formation control of a mutli-agent system which only consist of three agents, then a control of triangle formations with a mix of angle and distance measurement is given. Finally, we discuss distributed bearing-only formation control of multi-agent systems which contain more than three agents. Conduct analysis and summary of existing methods and verify my conclusions by simulation experiments.
    Keywords  multi-agent, formation control, bearing-only, algorithm, simulation
     目   次
    1  绪论 1
    1.1  课题背景及意义 … 1
    1.2  多智能体纯方位编队控制国内外研究现状  1
    1.3  若干有待解决问题  1
    1.4  本文主要研究内容  3
    2  多智能体纯方位三角形编队控制 4
    2.1  控制对象及控制问题描述 … 4
    2.2  纯方位三角形编队控制律 … 5
    2.3  控制系统的误差 … 6
    2.4  控制律的稳定性分析 … 8
    2.5  此问题的拓展  9
    2.6  仿真结果和分析 … 10
    3  多智能体三角形编队角度距离混合控制  14
    3.1  控制对象及控制问题描述 … 14
    3.2  角度距离混合控制律控制律  14
    3.3  控制系统的误差 … 15
    3.4  稳定性分析 … 18
    3.5  仿真结果和分析  20
    4  三个以上智能体纯方位编队控制  23
    4.1  控制对象及控制问题描述 … 23
    4.2  三个以上智能体纯方位控制律 … 23
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