    在无人机的导航方式中,视觉导航变得越来越重要。在做好无人机视觉导航时,首先需要做好对无人机的定点飞行控制。本文以四旋翼无人机为平台,通过视觉采集的方式,实现无人机的定点飞行技术研究。其中,主要包括整体的控制结构设计、图像处理算法设计以及定点控制技术的设计。最终,在四旋翼上进行实物验证。主要研究成果如下:首先进行对系统的需求分析,确定了四旋翼无人机的整体结构以及工作流程。其次研究了图像处理算法,采用中值滤波的方法对图像进行平滑处理。并采用Camshift 算法进行目标物搜索,同时利用卡尔曼滤波对跟踪目标进行预测与纠正并实现对像素偏差的提取。最后,完成上位机的设计,实现了对图像的处理与偏差计算以及与飞控板的通信。最后进行定点飞行控制的研究,通过对无人机的飞行进行建模,从而得到了控制算法的大概框架,并搭建了simulink 仿真模型,通过调整相应参数实现在模型中的控制。其次,在相应的开发平台上编写算法代码,并验证了程序的可行性。在四旋翼的平台上进行的实验表明,基本能实现基于视频图像处理的无人机定点飞行,达到了预期的效果。25876
    毕业论文关键词 四旋翼 图像处理 飞行控制
    Title The Target Positioning Flight Technology Research Of
    UAV Based On Visual Image Processing
    In the UAV navigation, the visual navigation is becoming more and more important,
    When doing the research of UAV visual navigation, the pointing fight research is
    most important. In this paper, the research of UAV’s target positioning flight
    technology is based on the visual image processing. The research consists of the
    design of overall control structure, the design of image processing algorithm and
    the design of target positioning flight technology. Finally, the experiment is
    performed on the four-rotor UAV.
    Firstly, by the research of system’s need , the overall structure of the four-rotor
    and the overall work flow are determined.
    Secondly, we studied the method of image processing. With the help of median
    filtering, the image is smoothed. In terms of tracking, we use Camshift algorithm
    works to search the target, while taking advantage of Kalman filter to predict
    the target tracking and correct the error. Finally, the PC image is designed to
    process the image, compute the error and communicate with controller.
    Finally, we studied the algorithm of flight control we build the model of flight,
    resulting in the control algorithm probably framework and building a simulation
    model, the controller works well by adjusting the parameters in the model.
    Secondly, the codes are finished in the development platform. Finally, the program
    works well in the four-rotor UAV.
    The final experiment taken on the four-rotor platform achieved the expected goal.
    Keywords Four-rotor Image processing Flight control目 次
    1 绪论 1
    1.1 研究背景及研究意义 1
    1.2 国内外研究现状 1
    1.3 主要技术方法 2
    1.4 论文主要内容及组织结构 3
    2 四旋翼飞行器定点飞行控制系统设计 5
    2.1 四旋翼飞行器 5
    2.2 系统结构硬件组成 6
    2.3 视觉定位系统工作流程 9
    2.4 本章小结 10
    3 基于图像处理的目标识别与跟踪 11
    3.1 图像预处理 11
    3.2 基于Camshift 与卡尔曼滤波的目标跟踪算法 12
    3.3 图像处理算法设计与软件实现 19
    3.4 本章小结 23
    4 四旋翼飞行器定点技术研究 24
    4.1 四旋翼稳定跟踪模型 24
    4.2 飞行控制算法实现 29
    4.3 实验验证 33
    4.4 本章小结 36
    结 论 37
    致 谢 38
    参 考 文 献 39
    附录 A 飞行控制整体框图. 41
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