    关键词  三文激光成像  照片级建模  颜色连续性   消除阴影
    Title  Research and  Implementation of the Lighting Adjustment Algorithm for Three-Dimensional Imaging Technology              
    Since the 20th century, three-dimensional laser scanning and data modeling technology is developing rapidly. It is widely used in various fields which has a very broad application prospects. Increasing construction begin to use the texture information and point cloud data to make three-dimensional models become more fidelity. To have a greater three-dimensional model simulation, we must note that the model needs to be accurate and the texture needs to be delicated. With the rapid development of the geometric model, the texture information has not been studied systematically. In the texture mapping, the light adjustment occupies a very important position. This paper studies the light adjustment algorithm of three-dimensional imaging technology and propose an accurate algorithm based on texture information and shadow quality. First, we use a three-dimensional laser scanner to reconstruct the model and propose a lot of problems .We also have to figure out the texture mapping to the discontinuity of texture color and compare images from different angles. If it has a lot of difference, partial adjustment must be implemented.
    The algorithms above are implemented in vc ++  and tested with data collected by the 3D scanner in the laboratory. 
    Keywords  Three-Dimensional Laser Imaging   Photo-realistic      Continuity of Color    Shadow Removal    Texture Mapping
    目   次
    1  绪论 1
    1.1  选题背景 1
    1.2  研究意义 2
    2  点云和图像的数据采集3
    2.1  点云采集设备及方法3
    2.2  图像采集6
    2.3  存在的问题8
    3  点云与图像匹配关系的数学模型9
    3.1  数学原理9
    3.2 本文实现15
    4  图像光照一致性调整算法及实现19
    4.1全局校正 20
      结论  25
    致谢  26
    1  绪论
    1.1  选题背景
    我们生活在一个直观立体的三文世界里,只有得到每个物体精确完整的三文信息,我们才能够更好地认识世界,描述世界,再造客观世界。我们对三文世界中信息的获取的多少一定程度上能够体现我们文明的发展程度,掌握三文世界的观信息也是我们人类的重要智慧结晶。随着科技的进步和计算机学的不断突破,我们开始能制作出具有照片级真实感的三文模型,这种模型以其准确的沉浸感和高自由度的交互系统得到了世人的认可,逐渐成为了我们认识展现客观世界的主要途径。数字超市,智能化家具,新世纪博物馆,3D打印技术纷纷出现,真实感的模型是这些新技术的基础,然而传统的软件如AutoCAD、3DS Max、Multigen Creator等,它们在面对需要建立的大模型时,显得很呆板,不仅效率低下,就连最终得到的模型的准确性也不敢保证。就在这个时候,三文激光扫描技术的不断发展解决了这个燃眉之急。
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