    摘要有源配电网也就是含分布式电源配电网,分布式电源(Distributed Generation,DG)由于其清洁、高效的特性成为了在近几年电力电源技术中一个引人注目的动向。分布式电源会使得原有的单电源辐射型网络变成多电源的网络,使得原有的配电网馈线保护受到影响,并且为配电网的运行和控制带来了多方面的影响,所以说对于分布式电源对配电网保护的影响的研究是十分必要的。 本文通过介绍研究课题的背景、发展现状和研究目标,并且考虑了分布式电源接入的容量,类型,位置等因素,通过 MATLAB来对配电网进行建模之后仿真得出了一个对于配电网保护影响的分析结果。此外还对现有的配电网保护提出了加装方向元件、修改定值等改进方案。 227137
    毕业论文关键词  分布式电源 配电网 继电保护 MATLAB 仿真 
    Title   Analysis of relay protection of distributed power    distribution network                                   
    Distributed power distribution network is a distribution network with some distributed
    generations.Distributed generation technology is predicted to play an increasing role in power
    system of the near future in the light of  its character of high efficiency, environmental. However,
    with the interconnection of distributed generations,the traditional simple single-source
    radial -network  to complicated multi- source loop-network,  bringing traditional feeder protection
    new problems  in distribution network,such as sensitivity decrease and malfunction,  which
    deeply affects system operating and controlling.  Therefore it is necessary to analyze the
    influence of the DG to the distribution network protection and propose its countermeasure, 
    which is very useful to the development and practicality,  for the distributed generation technology. 
       This paper explains the back ground, the research progresses and research aims,  discusses that
    different capacity type and location of the DG source have different impacts on the current
    flowing through the feeder protection in distributed power distribution network.   Also,  the
    MATLAB simulation of the model confirms that the results of qualitative analysis are true.   In
    addition,  improvement schemes are proposed in the light of the existing distribution protection,
    mainly including installing the direction element, modifying the setting value.  
       Keywords  distributed generation  distribution network  relay protection  MATLAB simulation
    目   次 
    1  引言 . 1
    1.1  课题研究的背景和依据. 1
    1.2  分布式电源对保护的影响和及采取措施的研究现状  . 2
    1.3  论文主要工作. 2
    2  分布式电源技术 4
    2.1  分布式发电的概念 4
    2.2  分布式电源的分类 4
    2.2.1  燃料电池 . 4
    2.2.2  微型燃气轮机  5
    2.2.3  风力发电技术  5
    2.2.4  太阳能光伏电池  . 5
    3  配电网保护  . 7
    3.2.1  瞬时电流速断保护定值整定以及灵敏性校验  . 7
    3.3  限时电流速断保护 8
    3.4  定时限过电流保护 9
    3.4.1  定时限过电流定值整定以及灵敏性校验   9
    4  分布式电源对网络中的保护的影响.10
    4.1  分布式电源的接入对配电网故障电流的影响  10
    4.1.1  分布式电源的类型不同对故障电流的影响 .10
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