    摘要通常我们所说的磁集成技术,就是将变换器中的两个或多个分立磁件(Discrete Magnetics, DM)绕制在一副磁芯上,从结构上集中在一起[3]。它通过一定的耦合方式,合理设计参数,使电力电子装置中的磁性元件(变压器、电感等)集成在一个磁芯上,将多个分立元件变成一个集成磁元件[2]。 本文首先引入了磁集成技术的概念,接着介绍了国内外磁集成技术的发展历程,从中体现其相应的技术优势。 论文的第二部分将介绍磁集成技术中的磁件分析方法,包括建立磁件电路模型的方法,磁集成技术的具体应用中的电感与电感集成,电感和变压器集成等。 第三部分将结合电路图分析倍流整流半桥变换器的工作原理,为引入磁集成技术打下基础。 论文的最后将分析基于磁集成技术的倍流整流半桥变换器的工作原理,并设计参数,运用MULTISIM 软件对其进行仿真,以此来进一步加深我们对磁集成技术的了解。  27138
    毕业论文关键词:    磁集成技术        磁件集成       磁件电路模型 倍流整流半桥变换器
    Title  Analysis and design of  integrated magnetic  power electronic converter
    We usually say the magnetic integration technique, that is, the converter of two
    or multiple discrete magnetics (discrete magnetics, DM) wound on a pair of magnetic
    core, from the structure concentrated together [3]. It through a certain way of
    coupling, reasonable design parameters and the power electronic devices in the
    magnetic element (transformers, inductors, etc.) integrated in a single core,
    multiple discrete components into an integrated magnetic components [2].
    This paper first introduced the concept of integrated magnetic technology, and
    then introduces the integrated magnetic technology development process, from
    reflected the corresponding technical advantage.
    The second part of the thesis will introduce the magnetic pieces of magnetic
    integration technique in the analysis method,  including the magnetic circuit model
    was set up and the concrete application of magnetic integration technique of
    inductor and inductor integration, and the inductance of the transformer
    The third part will be combined with the circuit diagram analysis current doubler
    rectifier half bridge converter working principle, for the introduction of
    integrated magnetic technology lay the foundation.
    The paper finally, analysis based on magnetic integration technology times flow
    rectifier half bridge converter working principle and design parameters, using
    MULTISIM software to carry on the simulation, in order to further deepen our
    understanding of the magnetic integration technology.
    Keywords   Integrated magnetic    magnetic integrated    magnetic circuit model Half bridge converter with current doubler rectifier
    目   次
    1  绪论1
    1.1  磁集成技术1
    1.2  磁集成技术的发展历程1
    1.3  本文的研究内容和意义2
    2  磁件分析4
    2.1  磁件分析的方法4
    2.2  磁件集成的运用11
    2.3  本章小结12
    3  磁集成倍流整流半桥变换器的分析13
    3.1  倍流整流半桥变换器的原理分析13
    3.2  磁集成倍流整流半桥变换器的原理分析15
    3.3  集成磁芯的设计19
    3.4  本章小结21
    4  磁集成倍流整流半桥变换器的设计与仿真22
    4.1  磁集成倍流整流半桥变换器的仿真参数设计22
    4.2  用磁导—电容类比法建立仿真模型并进行仿真22
    4.3  本章小结36
    结论 37
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