    关键词  电力系统稳定性分析   故障切除时间   三机九节点模型   暂态稳定
    Title    Analysis of the Influence of Fault Duration Time   On Power System Stability                        
    Electricity is the most important and convenient energy in the contemporary society.The stability of the electric power network has a significant impact on social life and production.When the transmission line fails,there will be an impact on the stability of the power system.So studying the impact of the duration of the power system fault before it is removed will have help to the operation response of the fault.Meanwhile,analyzing the stability of power systems has great significance for the stable and efficient operation of the power network. Rapid removal of faults plays an important role in improving transient stability of power system. The power angle characteristics after the large disturbance of power system can be used as a criterion for transient stability of power system. We can identify a critical fault cleaning time by the power angle characteristic. The power system will be transiently stable when the duration of the fault is less than the critical fault cleaning time. Conversely, it is unstable.The main work of this paper is:
    1.Analyzing the calculation method for the single machine infinite bus system and the multi machine system;
    2.Calculating the critical fault cleaning time of the Three-machine Nine Nodes Model through the MATLAB simulation;
        3.Studying the influence of different fault locations and different fault types on the critical fault cleaning time.
    Keywords  power system stability analysis, fault cleaning time, Three-machine Nine Nodes Model, transient stability
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  电力系统的暂态稳定性    1
    1.2  暂态稳定分析的简化假设    1
    1.3  暂态稳定研究现状    2
    1.4  论文主要内容    2
    2  暂态稳定分析方法    3
    2.1  引言    3
    2.2  时域仿真法概述    3
    2.3  计算方法    3
    3  故障持续时间对系统稳定性的影响分析    8
    3.1  单机无穷大系统的分析    8
    3.2  多机系统分析    10
    3.3  本章小结    16
    4  故障类型及故障位置对极限切除时间的影响分析    17
    4.1  故障类型对极限切除时间的影响    17
    4.2  故障位置对极限切除时间的影响    20
  1. 上一篇:基于单片机的智能家居安防系统设计
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