    关键词  油罐 温度场 Fluent 模拟
    Title Surface Temperature Field Simulation  of Vertical Arch-roof Oil Tank                             
    The research on the surface temperature field of oil tank can not only provide theoretical data for infrared analysis and disguise of military oil tank but also help the military to monitor the oil mass and temperature of the oil in the tank. So the research is of extensive value of application both in military and civilian use.In this paper the research concentrates on oil tank to build geometric models of oil tank and relevant computational domain ,and then runs a simulation in Fluent after mesh generation to obtain the temperature nephogram of different moments in a day. And the temperature line chart of different fields and spots in 24 hours is figured out. Then the rule of temperature distribution of the model is analyzed. With the change of season and climate that the simulated tank located, the surface temperature of oil tank varies greatly. Based on the comparison of air-filled and oil-filled conditions the tight connections of surface temperature field and interior oil mass has been found. When changing the surface emissivitiy of oil tank ,the influence of gas phase’s outside surface temperature is stronger.
    Keywords  Oil tank  Temperature field  Fluent  Simulation
    目   次
    1   绪论   1
    1.1 课题背景  1
    1.2 国内外研究现状  1
    1.3 研究内容   3
    2   模型建立  5
    2.1  几何模型及网格划分5
    2.1.1几何建模  5
    2.1.2网格划分  5
    2.2  主要物理计算模型  6
    2.2.1 质量、动量守恒方程及能量方程6
    2.2.2流动模型  7
    2.2.3辐射模型  8
    2.2.4太阳辐射模型  8
    2.3  Fluent操作一般步骤  9
    2.4  边界条件设置  9
    3    油罐表面温度场分析  11
    3.1  模型1中计算所需参数  11
    3.2  模拟结果分析  13
    3.3  油罐表面温度场影响因素  19
    3.3.1油罐表面吸收率对温度场的影响  19
    3.3.2油罐内油料种类对温度场的影响  21
    3.3.3油罐内油量对温度场的影响  22
    3.3.4油罐所处季节对温度场的影响  25
    3.4  温度场分析小结27
    结论  29
    致谢  30
    1  绪论
    1.1 课题背景
    近年来,红外热成像技术在军事领域中的应用日渐广泛。海湾战争和伊拉克战争就体现了现代武器越来越依赖通过物体产生的红外辐射来完成对目标的发现、识别和跟踪甚至是精确地攻击目标。由热辐射的基本规律可知, 物体的红外辐射是由表面温度和发射率决定的[1]。通常情况下物体表面的发射率随表面材料的确定而确定, 然而物体的表面温度却会受到各种复杂因素的影响。因此获取目标的表面温度是计算红外辐射的关键所在[2]。
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