      本文从PWM整流器入手,详细分析整个负载模拟与能量回馈的实现。文中采用负载模拟器与并网逆变器相结合的主电路拓扑,电流内环与电压外环相结合的控制方案。在Matlab/simulink2014a仿真环境下搭建整个电子负载的仿真模型,整定PWM Generator的参数,并对其进行仿真验证。
    关键词  能量回馈  电子负载  三相VSR  Matlab
    Title    Analysis and design of new AC electron load         
    With the progress of science and technology, energy saving has become a development trend of all kinds of electronic products. As the main device of high power AC power quality detection, energy saving AC electronic load has been more and more attention. High power AC power supply (such as generator, AC power supply etc.), in order to test the aging and loading performance usually adopts the traditional load discharge test and energy consumption of AC electronic load test, however, the traditional load precision, discharge energy consumption, energy consumption and improve communication load there is still a massive waste of energy. For some of the problems of traditional measurement methods, this paper studies a kind of AC power for the aging test application of energy feedback AC electronic load, it is a new type of AC electronic load, embodied in it can simulate the real load aging test, and can test the energy feedback to the grid, to achieve energy cycle use.This paper starts from the PWM rectifier, a detailed analysis of the system load simulation and energy feedback. The main circuit topology of grid connected inverter load simulator and combined in this paper, current inner loop and voltage outer loop control scheme combining. To build the simulation model of the electronic load in the Matlab/simulink2014a simulation environment, the parameter tuning of PWM Generator, and the verification.
    Keywords  electronic load   of three-phase VSR   Matlab
    目   录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1 课题研究的背景及意义    1
    1.2 交流电子负载的研究现状    1
    2  交流电子负载的拓扑结构与工作原理    3
    2.1能量回馈型交流电子负载的工作原理    3
    2.2主电路拓扑结构    3
    2.3 三相电压型PWM整流器    4
    2.4 本章小结    4
    3 三相VSR的控制方案    5
    3.1三相VSR的数学模型    5
    3.2三相VSR控制回路设计    9
    3.3交流电子负载的控制    15
    3.4本章小结    20
    系统仿真实验    21
    4.1仿真软件Matlab/Simulink    21
    4.2 系统仿真模型    21
    4.3仿真波形    24
    4.4 本章小结    36
    结  论    37
    致  谢    38
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