    摘要:牵引电动机是电动机的类型之一,用于驱动电力机车、内燃机车、电动车辆、工矿机车、地下铁道车辆、城市电车及公路车辆等运行的主电动机,它的运行性能直接影响机车车辆的牵引性能及经济技术指标。牵引电机是牵引电机车的关键零部件,而牵引电机特性测试平台是评估电驱动系统性能的有效手段。牵引电机车在行驶过程中,电驱动系统必须满足频繁的加速和减速(爬坡)、多次怠速、以及速度的随机变化。因此,在测试平台上再现车辆行驶工况以及设计牵引电机特性测试平台是十分必要的。本论文参考国内外众多牵引系统,按照硬连接方法采用一台电机带另一台电机进行牵引电机车电机特性测试平台的仿真。分析了电回馈加载系统的控制策略以及工作原理,并通过仿真软件建立了相应的仿真模型运用MATLAB/SIMULINK 进行了仿真研究,在理论上论证了系统的可行性;采用矢量控制算法设计交流牵引电机车变频调速系统并进行仿真,实验工况有轻载、满载、超载三种,得到了不同工况下的实验数据。实验还可以进行负载加载实验,得出了负载转矩与牵引电机转速之间的关系。34261
    Design of Traction electric locomotive motor characteristics simulation test platform
    Abstract:Traction motor is one type of motor for driving the run electric locomotives, diesel locomotives, electric vehicles, mining locomotive, underground railway vehicle, urban tram and road vehicles such as the main motor, its performance directly affects the performance of traction and rolling stock economic and technical indicators. Traction motors is the traction motor vehicle key components, and the traction motor characteristics of the test platform is an effective means of assessing the performance of the electric drive system. Traction motor vehicle during driving, the electric drive system must meet the frequent acceleration and deceleration (climbing), idle times, and a random speed changes. Therefore, on the test bench reproducing driving conditions and vehicle traction motor design characteristics of the test platform it is necessary. In this paper, with reference to foreign and domestic traction system, according to the hardwired method uses a motor with another motor vehicle traction motors motor characteristics simulation test platform. The vector control algorithm AC traction motor vehicle frequency control system and simulation, experiment with light load conditions, full load, overload of three, the experimental data obtained under different conditions. You can also load test load experiments, the relationship between the load torque between the motor speed and traction.
    Key Words:Traction motor vehicle;Coordinate transformation; vector control; simulation
    摘要    1
    Abstract.    1
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题的目的和意义    1
    1.2牵引电机测试系统国内外研究现状与水平    1
    1.3 发展趋势    2
    1.4 本文的研究内容    2
    2 测试平台分析及方案设计    3
    2.1 测试平台分析比较    4
    2.1.1测试电机性能要求    4
    2.1.2 测试电机的选择    5
    2.1.3国内外常用测试平台比较    5
    2.2测试平台的方案选择    6
    2.3测试平台的实现    8
    3 牵引电机牵引理论基础    10
    3.1 牵引机车控制系统的选择    10
    3.2 牵引电机控制方式    10
    3.2.1  矢量控制基本原理    10
    3.2.2直接转矩控制技术    12
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