    摘要:    车牌识别系统是现当代智能交通管理的重要组成部分。车牌识别系统的管理更加智能化,数字化,有效提高交通管理的易用性和有效性。车牌识别系统主要包括五个核心部分:图像采集,图像预处理,车牌定位,字符分割和字符识别。本文档介绍了图像预处理,车牌定位,字符分割和字符识别四个模块的实现方法。图像预处理是将图像灰度化,对图像进行增强处理和二值化。用数学形态法完成车牌定位,再用车牌的彩色信息彩色分割方法进行整个车牌的分割。车牌字符分割使用的方法是对分割后的车牌部分进行二值化并进行垂直投影,扫面垂直投影后,得到分割的字符。字符识别的方法为基于模板的匹配算法,即将分割后的字符与所有模板进行匹配,选择最佳匹配为结果。35021
    毕业论文关键词:    MATLAB;车牌识别;图像预处理;字符分割;字符识别
    License Plate Recognition System and Research based on Matlab
    LPR system is an important part of contemporary intelligent traffic management. Management license plate recognition system more intelligent, digital, improve ease of use and effectiveness of traffic management. License plate recognition system includes five core components: image acquisition, image preprocessing, license plate location, character segmentation and character recognition. This document describes the image preprocessing, license plate location, character segmentation and character recognition four modules of implementation. Image preprocessing is grayscale images, the image enhancement and binarization. Complete license plate location using mathematical morphology method, and then the color information of color segmentation plates were pided across the plate. Character segmentation method used is part of the pided plate binarization and vertical projection, rear projection sweep perpendicular to the plane, get segmented characters. Character recognition method based on template matching algorithm, the character soon after the pision with all the templates match, choose the best match as a result.

    Keywords:    MATLAB; License Plate Recognition;Image Pre-processing;
    Character Segmentation;Character Recognition
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    iii
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题研究背景    1
    1.2 课题研究目的和意义    2
    1.3 国内外的发展状况    3
    1.4 主要应用领域    4
    1.5 设计原理    5
    2 MATLAB简介    6
    2.1 MATLAB发展历史    6
    2.2 MATLAB的语言特点    6
    3 总体设计方案    8
    4 各模块的实现    10
    4.1 程序输入待处理原始图像    10
    4.2 图像的灰度化    10
    4.3 对原始图像进行开操作得到图像背景图像    12
    4.4 原始图像与背景图像作减法,对图像进行增强处理    13
    4.5 取得最佳阈值,将图像二值化    14
    4.6 边缘检测    15
    4.7 对得到图像作开操作进行滤波    16
    4.8 车牌提取    18
    4.9 对水平投影进行峰谷分析    20
    4.10 计算车牌旋转角度    23
    4.11 去水平(上下)边框,获取字符高度    26
    4.12 将计算计算获取的字符图像与样本库进行匹配,自动识别出字符代码    28
    5 实验结果及分析    30
    6 总结    32
    致谢    33
    参考文献    34
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