    摘要:近几年我国铁路和列车的发展迅速,高速列车的数量和速度都有了很大的提升,安全性的要求也就越来越高。本文针对列车行驶过程中会出现的各种故障,开发了一种列车智能诊断系统。通过学习列车关键机械部件的结构特点,理解和掌握这些重要部件的振动机理,还学习了列车振动信号的分析方法,如幅值分析法、频域分析法、时域分析法等。最终选取最具代表性的列车转子的三种典型故障类型,获取其振动信号,运用正确合理的FFT对信号进行频谱分析,结合模糊C-均值算法,来实现列车故障的智能诊断。整体分为三层:第一层获得信号,即列车振动信号实验数据的获得;第二层特征提取,利用FFT进行频域分析,然后选择其中可以反映不同故障类型的几个特征值;第三层是诊断,先利用样本数据进行建模,完成一个MATLAB GUI人机对话友好界面,并进行系统编程,最终设计出一个成功的列车模糊智能诊断系统。35581
    The design of fuzzy intelligent diagnosis system for train
    Abstract:In recent years, the development of China's railway and train is developing rapidly, the number and speed of high-speed train have been greatly improved, the safety requirements are higher and higher. In this paper, a kind of intelligent diagnosis system for train is developed based on the malfunction of the train running. I studied the structural characteristics of the key mechanical parts of the train, understanded and mastered these vital components of the vibration mechanism, learned train vibration signal analysis methods, such as amplitude analysis method, frequency domain analysis, time domain analysis and so on.Ultimately I selected the most representative of the rotor train three typical fault type and obtain the vibration signal, and did the signal spectrum analysis based on FFT correct and reasonable, combined with fuzzy c-means algorithm, to achieve train fault intelligent diagnosis. Whole is pided into three layers: the first layer to obtain a signal that the train vibration signal obtained experimental data; the second layer is feature extraction, use FFT frequency domain analysis, then choose one to reflect several different types of fault characteristic value; the third layer is the diagnosis, model using the sample data, complet a MATLAB GUI interactive friendly interface, and program, design a successful train fuzzy intelligent diagnostic systems finaly.
    Key words: Train; Fault diagnosis;Fuzzy C-Means;MATLAB;FFT
     目  录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题的目的及意义    1
    1.2 国内外研究现状    1
    1.2.1 列车故障诊断技术    1
    1.2.2 模糊C-均值算法    3
    1.3 本文的主要内容    3
    2 列车关键部件的故障分析    5
    2.1 滚动轴承的检测与故障诊断    5
    2.1.1 滚动轴承故障的基本形式    5
    2.1.2 滚动轴承的振动    6
    2.1.3 滚动轴承异常振动的诊断方法    6
    2.2 齿轮的检测与故障诊断    6
    2.2.1 齿轮失效的基本形式    6
    2.2.2 齿轮的振动信号特征    7
    2.2.3 齿轮故障的时域诊断分析    8
    2.3 转子的检测与故障诊断    8
    2.3.1 转子故障的基本形式    8
    2.3.2 转子的振动机理    10
    2.3.3 转子故障振动信号的分析方法    11
    2.4 本章小结    12
    3 模糊C-均值算法    13
    3.1 模糊C-均值算法简介    13
    3.1.1 模糊C-均值算法的概念    13
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