    摘  要 :随着电力增长的需要,我国的火电建设如火如荼。锅炉参数的提高和容量的增大,锅炉的用水量也将进一步增大,这给除氧器的除氧控制提高了难度。除氧器是锅炉以及供热系统的关键设备之一,在锅炉的给水处理过程中,除氧是非常关键的环节,所以对除氧器内的水位控制,就能更好的控制除氧器的出水的含氧量。传统液位控制不能进行远距离集中控制,自动化程度很低,调节精度比较差等缺点,而且单靠人工操作不能适应,控制系统改造的必要性随着科学技术的不断进步而提高,被控对象的复杂程度越来越高,人们对控制精度的要求也不断提高。本论文针对除氧器液位控制这一课题进行讨论与设计研究,以力控为平台设计监控系统,对除氧器内部液位进行控制,实现除氧水位控制的稳定和快速作用,保证工艺的稳定和能源的充分利用。6091
    关键词: 除氧器液位;水位调节控制;单冲量;
    Deaerator liquid level control system
    Abstract : To meet the rising demand for electricity, the construction of thermal power in our country developed rapidly these years. As both the parameters and capacity of boiler become higher and higher, the water consumption of boiler increases at the same time, which also means a stricter requirement for the deaerator. Deaertor is one of the most important apparatuses in the boiler and heat supply system. During the process of the water supply of boiler, deaeration is an extremely critical point. Therefore, a good liquid level control of the deaerator can definitely improve the control of oxygen level in the water supply of boiler. The traditional liquid level control cannot be centralized control. The automation degree is very low,and regulation accuracy is poor. It cannot be adapted only by manual operation. The necessity of the transformation of the control system is improving with the increasing progress of science and technology. The controlled objects are becoming more and more complex. Therefore, people need to constantly improve the control precision.This paper focuses on the topic of liquid level control of deaerator. With the force control for the platform design of monitoring system, we can control the liquid level of deaerator. That can realize the stable and fast control, ensure the stability of the technology processing and the full utilization of the energy.
    Keywords: liquid level control of deaerator; liquid level control; single pulse;
    目  录
    1  引言(绪论)    1
    1.1  课题背景与研究意义    1
    1.2  现代控制理论简介    1
    1.3  国内外研究现状及发展    2
    1.4  研究设计的目标    3
    2  除氧器简介    4
    2.1  除氧器的结构原理    4
    2.2  除氧器的工作原理    6
    2.3  除氧器的工作步骤    6
    2.4  除氧定律    7
    2.4.1  亨利定律    7
    2.4.2  盖吕萨克定律    8
    2.5  除氧器种类    8
    2.6  除氧器适用范围    8
    3  除氧器在工业中的应用    9
    3.1  概述    9
    3.2  汽水系统    10
    3.2.1  给水系统    10
    3.2.2  补水系统    10
    3.2.3  冷却水(循环水)系统    11
    4  除氧器水处理的工艺流程    12
    4.1  水处理系统的流程    12
    4.1.1  物理软化水流程    12
    4.1.2  化学除盐水流程    12
    4.2  常见的水处理方法    13
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