    摘  要:随着信息和通信技术的迅速发展,人们的生活发生了很大的进步,对周围环境的要求越来越高,在环境监测中大规模的无线传感器通信系统应用也越发普遍。无线传感器网络是融合了传感器、嵌入式计算机、无线通信、分布式信息处理等多学科知识,它通过集成化微型传感器能对各种环境或检测对象的信息进行检测和采集,再通过无线网络发送给用户。本文在分析无线传感器网络结构的基础上,提出了光照信息采集的无线传感网络节点设计方案,实现对光照信息的采集并以ZigBee协议无线传输,形成树状网络,实现数据的采集与传输。
    关键词: 无线传感器网络, ZigBee, CC2530, 数据采集
    The Internet of things network data collection platform
    Abstract: With the rapid development of information and communication technology, People’s life will happen a lot of progress,Corresponding to the surrounding environment of the demand is higher and higher,Large-scale wireless sensor communication system applications in environmental monitoring will be more and more common.  Wireless sensor network is shirt-sleeve the sensor、Embedded computer、wireless communication、Distributed information processing science knowledge,it through the integration of various environmental miniature sensors or test object information detection and acquisition,Again through the wireless network to send to the user.  Based on the analysis of the structure of wireless sensor network are put forward,based on the information acquisition of light to wireless sensor network node design,realization of light information collection and ZigBee wireless transmission agreement,forming a tree network to achieve data collection and transmission.
    This paper introduces how to use the radio frequency chip CC2530 based on ZigBee wireless data acquisition system with microcomputer. CC2530 single-chip computer and RF chip as the core design of low power wireless data acquisition system,This paper introduces the wireless sensor network (WSN)、ZigBee technology、and presents the composition of wireless data acquisition system based on ZigBee,and finally by using CC2530 chip completed acquisition node,main control unit of hardware and software design and realization of data acquisition and wireless transmission.
    Key words: Wireless sensor network,ZigBee, CC2530,The data collection
    目    录

    第一章 绪论    1
    1.1  课题研究背景及意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    2
    1.3  无线传感器网络    3
    1.3.1  简介    3
    1.3.2  无线传感器网络的特性:    4
    1.3.3  传感器网络体系结构[1]    4
    1.4  本文工作    5
    第二章  Zigbee协议及其应用    7
    2.1  IEEE 802.15.4标准    7
    2.1.1  IEEE 802.15.4主要特点    7
    2.1.2  物理层(PHY)    9
    2.1.3  媒体介质访问层(MAC)    11
    2.2  Z igbee技术及协议栈    12
    2.2.1  网络层(NWK)    13
    2.2.2  应用层(APL)    14
    2.3  Zigbee网络拓扑结构    15
    2.4  原语    16
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