    本文设计的导盲仪主要功能有:超声波避障功能、验钞机功能、温湿度检测功能、MP3和收音机、出现事故自动报警。随着DSP芯片的发展,DSP芯片在数字信号处理领域应得到了非常广泛的应用和发展。DSP具有两大优势:一是数字信号处理能力非常强大,二是可编程性。它能够凭借优越的性能快速实现种类繁多的数字信号处理算法。本文主要研究的是将DSP强大的数字信号处理技术应用到导盲仪系统中,可以使导盲仪既能够更加准确的判断有无障碍物,又可以提高报警提示的实时性。力求导盲仪能够方便盲人熟悉使用并且价格低廉,使导盲仪可以真正走进盲人的实际生活。 38514
    毕业论文关键词:DSP   导盲仪  TMS320C6205  超声波  温湿度传感器
    Abstract The large blind population in China, has more than 5 milion, the hig hest among all the word. This paper analyzes the blind man in real life may have been a variety of difficulties, and then designed a guide apparatus can solve the practical difficulties for the blind.
    The guide apparaturs has some main function: the function of ultrasonic obstacle avoidance, the function of detector, the function of Temperature and humidity detection, MP3 and radio, accident alarm automatic. With the development of DSP chip in the field of dignal processing has a very wide application and development. DSP has two advantage: on the one hand, there is a powerful digital aignal processing ability, on the other hand is programmable. It can rely on superior performance to achieve a wide variety of digital signal processing technology applied in the blind guide system, not only make a presice judgment on obstacles, also can improve the real-time performance of alarm prompt. The blind man can be familiar with using duide, and the price is low, so that the blind guide device can truly come into the life of the blind man.
    Keywords: DSP    TMS320C6205    guide instrument    ultrasonic    temperature and humidity sensor
     目  录
    摘  要    I
    Abstract    II
    1 绪论    1
    1.1研究背景与意义    1
    1.2已研制成功的各类电子导盲装置    2
    1.2.1 移动式机器人    2
    1.2.2 穿戴式导盲仪    2
    1.2.3 引导式手杖    2
    1.2.4 超声波导盲仪    2
    1.3论文的主要研究内容    3
    2 DSP芯片选型    4
    2.1 DSP芯片目前的应用现状    4
    2.2 DSP芯片的特点及种类    4
    2.3 DSP芯片的选取    5
    2.4 TMS320C6205芯片    6
    2.5多通道缓冲串口(McBSP)    7
    2.6 DSP在导盲仪中的应用    7
    2.7本章小结    8
    3 基于DSP的导盲仪总体方案设计    9
    3.1总体实现的功能    9
    3.2导盲仪各个模块具体功能介绍    10
    3.2.1 障碍物检测及超声波测距    10
    3.2.2 导盲仪无线防丢模块    10
    3.2.3 实时显示检测结果    10
    3.2.4 温湿度和天气预报    10
    3.2.5 收音机和MP3    10
    3.2.6 验钞机模块    11
    3.3 DSP控制系统    11
    3.4超声波模块    11
    3.4.1 超声波模块设计    11
    3.4.2 超声波模块总体分析    12
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