    This topic is designed to "Suyu area and its surrounding network planning" ,the contents of the design is pided into :the main power plant substation to the data to determine the selection and calibration equipment , power plants and substations Electric main wiring design according to the mission statement , shortlisted two possible solutions power network and its power flow calculation,considering the power consumption of their project cost and then elect one of the best programs,the best of them short-circuit current calculation scheme. Carried out in the design of the equipment selected grid simple relay protection,this design calculated to occupy most of the workload, so the calculation is the main content of this design is an important part,according to the results of the calculation to select the desired object electrical equipment, erection of wires, and associated circuit components configuration,this design is in line with the principles of safe and reliable to complete.
    Keywords :Power network;Electrical equipment selection;wireway;power flow calculation
    目  录
    第一章 设计说明书    1
    1.1确定泰宁和上江的发电机型号、参数    1
    1.2 通过运行年费、电能损耗比较确定地区电网接线方案    1
    1.3 确定发电厂的电气主接线    3
    1.3.1泰宁电气主接线    3
    1.4 确定发电厂的主变压器    3
    1.4.1 确定泰宁的主变压器    3
    1.4.2 确定上江的主变压器    4
    1.5短路电流统计表    5
    1.6继电保护配置    5
    1.6.1保护类型-发电机短路保护:    5
    1.6.2保护类型-发电机异常运行保    5
    第二章 设计计算书    7
    2.1泰宁火电厂上江水电厂主变压器容量的选择    7
    2.2地区电网接线方案 1的计算    7
    2.3地区电网接线方案1的架空线路型号选择    10
    2.3.1泰宁至顺昌变    10
    2.3.2泰宁到南丰枢纽变电所    11
    2.3.3上江至苏渝变    11
    2.3.4 上江经单回路送往南丰枢纽变电所    11
    2.4苏渝电网接线方案1校验    12
    2.4.3苏渝电网方案1的总投资和年运行费用    17
    2.5 区电网接线方案2的计算(环网)    20
    2.5.1 地区电网接线方案2的功率平衡计算    20
    2.7.2 单相短路电流计算    30
    结束语    31
    致  谢    32
    参考文献    33
    附录A    34
    第一章 设计说明书
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