    ABSTRACT With the development of industrial information, the use of programmable controller and frequency converter is more and more widely in industry.The research object is the electrical control part is widely used in bridge type grab bulk container terminal in the ship unloader.This article not only describes the bridge grab ship unloader of the development process as well as automatic control technology in the machinery above and outlines the unloader technology is technological advances.Other components PLC and inverter, and so in this study used in the paper are also enumerated in detail, make a detailed introduction.The use of programmable logic controller Siemens S7-200 series produced by the company and use its configuration software on the PC side of the overall program design.The main device is the transmission, which the drive frequency adjustment to achieve the speed of the motor.Next, the main part of the thesis are introduced.Firstly, the research background and the programmable logic controller bridge grab ship unloader and their respective characteristics.Second, build the overall framework of the text and description of the basic contents of this study, the overall institutional bridge grab ship unloader for analysis.Third, the main components of this study used a detailed introduction to the concept of the structure of the PLC concept of classification and other main features, the development of inverter technology, structure, classification, and other works, man-machine interface and limit switches Wait.Fourth, the overall electrical control system design and simulation program part.The paper combines PLC inverter bridge grab ship unloader research applications, providing a viable electrical control system design, and has been widely used in major ports.
    Keywords:PLC; Converter; Bridge type grab ship unloader; Frequency converter; HMI;
    目  录
    第一章 绪论    1
    1.1  课题研究的背景    1
      1.1.1 桥式抓斗卸船机简述    1
      1.1.2 自控技术与变频技术在桥式卸船机上的应用    2
    1.2 文本框架和研究的基本内容    3
      1.2.1 研究的基本内容    3
      1.2.2 文本框架    3
    第二章 主要原器件的介绍与使用    5
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