    At present, the explosive screening process, high degree of automation, material transport still way manual handling to complete, while the explosive is a kind of flammable and explosive materials, will bring to life, the substantial damage to property. The pneumatic automation technology now has made great progress, and gradually become able to meet the actual requirements of many industries produce an important practical technology. Therefore, the pneumatic automation technology used in explosives production process, improve the degree of automation and the safety factor of explosives handling work, with a very real sense This paper is a pneumatic control technology, computer technology combined with the PLC, carry out research and explosives pneumatic handling robot. On the mechanical side, the robot is mainly composed of arm, gripper, waist and other parts of the base, with three degrees of freedom and two rotational degrees of freedom to move, respectively, to achieve the robot lifting, stretching, clamping, rotating and oscillating movement. In terms of kinematics, the establishment of explosives pneumatic handling manipulator kinematics model, and according to the joint motion parameters and the kinematics of the robot position and attitude to solve.In addition, given the position and attitude of the relevant parameters of the inverse kinematics equations of motion of each joint parameters to solve. Laid the theoretical foundation for the positioning and planning the path of movement of the robot gripper. In the control, the control system is based on Siemens S7-200PLC as the core, the purposes of instruction programming approach to building control system platform, to mobile robot has three degrees of freedom and two rotational degrees of freedom in the handling and operation cycle. In the system software, real-time communication between PLC and computer-based, and a computer for explosives handling robot remote monitoring, and is able to store information during the operation. Paper developed explosives pneumatic transfer robot experimental model has been established, and several tests to achieve a variety of predefined actions and remote monitoring for the study and application of robot in the field of explosives and other flammable products production, processing provides experimental basis.
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