摘要可编程序逻辑控制器(Programmable Logic Controller)通常简称为PLC,是一种通过数字运算来操作的电子系统,是在近年来迅速发展的工业控制装置,并已广泛应用于工业控制企业各个环境领域,是工业控制的核心,不可替代的重要组成部分。现如今随着人们生活水平的不断进步以及科学技术的迅猛发展,大家愈来愈感觉到自动化和人性化的产品的重要性。继电器(relay)是一种电控制器件,是当输入量(激励量)的变化达到激励要求时,在电力输出电路中使被控量发生预定的阶跃变化的一种电器。它具有控制系统(又称输入回路)和被控制系统(又称输出回路)之间的互动关系。通常适用于自动化的控制电路中,而它实际上是用小电流来控制大电流的一种“自动开关”。故在电路中起着自动调节、安全保护、转换电路等作用。46216
    本文是关于地铁门控制继电器系统的设计,地铁车辆门继电器系统主要由可编程控制器(PLC)、感应器件、驱动装置和传动装置组成。由于地铁作为公共交通工具,特别强调其安全可靠性。但是本文主要用于对地铁门继电器的控制,基于对成本及各方面的要求,因此在此提出了一种以三菱Q系列可编程序控制器(PLC)为核心的地铁门控制系统。该控制器是三菱系列产品中的中端产品,适合于中型系统的控制,具有集自动化技术、计算机技术、通信技术融为一体的新型工业自动装置。它有可编程性,且编程灵活简单,有在恶劣环境下工作的高抗干扰能力 ,适应性能等特点,在工业控制应用上越来越广泛。本文分析了地铁自动门控制系统在地铁运行过程中的过程原理,介绍了地铁车辆门的硬件设计,PLC选型,驱动装置选型,感应器件的选型,系统软件设计,PLC梯形图设计,软件设计,程序调试 ,硬件接线等多方面内容。
    毕业论文关键词: 可编程控制器;继电器; 三菱Q系列PLC;地铁门;梯形图;测试台
    Programmable logic controller is typically referred to as PLC,one of digital computing electronic system, is developing rapidly in recent years the industrial control equipment, has been widely used in industrial fields,is the core of industrial controlling. With the continuous improvement of people's living standard and the rapid development of science and technology, people pay more attention to automation and humanized products. Relay is a kind of electrical control device,is a kind of electrical equipment, which can make the controlled quantity of the controlled quantity to be changed in the power output circuit when the change of the input quantity (excitation) reaches the requirement of the excitation.It has a control system (as the input loop) and the control system (as the output circuit) between the interactive relationship.It is usually used in automatic control circuit, and it is actually a kind of ‘automatic switch’ with small current to control large current.Therefore in the circuit plays the automatic regulation, the security protection, the transformation circuit and so on.
    This article is about the design of underground automatic door control system, the automatic door system is mainly composed of programmable controller (PLC), induction device, driving device and driving unit. Because the subway as public transport, with particular emphasis on the safety and reliability. So in this paper presents a Mitsubishi Q-series programmable controller (PLC) as the core of automatic door control system. The controller is in-the-end product in Mitsubishi series products, suitable for medium-sized system control, has a set of automation technology, computer technology, communication technology integration of new industrial automatic equipment. It has programmable, and flexible, simple programming work under bad environment of medium anti-interference ability, adaptability. Wait for a characteristic, has been widely used in industrial control applications. Metro vehicles door control system in metro are analyzed in this paper the process principle of the operation process, this paper introduces the hardware design of metro vehicles doors, type selection of PLC, drives selection, sensor selection and system software design, PLC ladder diagram design, software design, program debugging, hardware connection and so on many aspects.
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