    摘要在日新月异科技发达的现代,以机器制造机器的机械制造业将取代需要大量劳动力且繁琐冗杂的手工制造业。人类进化到现在,一个崭新的文明标志就是可以用机器制造机器。从某种意义上说,当前被赋予无限想象力的3D 打印机正是这种能够制造机器的机器。它是以数字化的模型为基础,使用粉末状金属或塑料等可粘合材料并且通过逐层打印的方式构造物体,这就是快速成型的三维打印技术。三维打印网络实验平台的设计对电气专业的学生而言是与时俱进、涵盖知识面广的课题。46510
    ABSTRACT With the development and relentless march of technology, the engineering industry which makes machine by machinery will take the place of the manual manufacturing which is complex and needs a large number of labour. As the human evolution to the present, a new civilization marked by can be machine-made machine.In a sense , the current is given unlimited imagination is this 3D printer capable of producing machines machine. The three-dimensional printing is a rapid prototyping technology , which digitized model, using powdered metal or plastic bondable material , layer by layer printed by way of construction objects. Design three-dimensional printing network experimental platform for students of electrical engineering is advancing with the times , covering a wide range of subject knowledge . With the virtual experiment technology matures , people began to realize the value of the network experimental platform in the field of education , which in addition can aid research universities, in the experimental teaching also has such utilization.
        This graduation design three-dimensional printing Protocol , network experiment platform design three-dimensional printing system , the experimental teaching network platform combining the experimental online design experimental procedures below the line , while the design of three-dimensional printing system network experiment platform with certification and user management functions are also available online to preview and test report generation online features . Research and Implementation of network experiment platform , which greatly limits to ease the financial pressure because of adverse effects to experiment and training teaching brings, reduce the construction cost of the laboratory , helping to train the students' practical ability to operate.Thus the development of experimental teaching platform network will have great social and economic benefits.
    Key words: 3D printer ; Network Experiment Platform ; Develop ; Featuresdi
    目    录
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1课题研究的背景    1
    1.1.1 3D打印技术概述    1
    1.1.2 网络实验平台开发的必要性    1
    1.2研究的目的及意义    3
    第二章  网络实验平台开发    4
    2.1实验平台功能    4
    2.2网络实验平台构建方案    4
    2.2.1实验管理部分    5
    2.2.2 实验平台部分    5
    2.2.3实验资源库部分    6
    第三章  基于现有平台的探索与实践    7
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