    毕业论文关键词:DDS技术  ; 扫频仪 ;   C8051F005 ;        
     ABSTRACT  The measurement of the transmission characteristics of network an important instrument is frequency characteristic tester, can also call it a sweep tester. Sweep frequency instrument in modern electronic measurement reflects the very important value. This paper mainly on the sweep frequency instrument hardware design are analyzed, put forward a kind of using the design scheme of DDS technology. Through our study in the market and with reference to some sweep frequency instrument production and after the observation and analysis of the characteristics of the system and the basic performance parameters of the design and the general scheme are determined. With C8051F005 as a signal generating device, produce dac0 and dac1 two orthogonal signals, observation of the output waveform. Analysis and Is performance of signal output module. Then the network of twin T network access signal measured, SCM returns after processing, so as to obtain the amplitude frequency and phase frequency characteristics of the network under test, and displayed on the screen, to facilitate our observation and Analysis on the frequency characteristics of the system.
    Key word:sweep generator;DDS technology;C8051F005;
     目  录
    摘要    2
    ABSTRACT    3
    目录    4
    正交扫频频率特性测试    1
    一、绪论    1
    1.1本课题研究的背景及意义    1
    1.2本论文的基本任务和要求    2
    1.2.1设计任务    2
    1.2.2.本课题任务的内容和要求    2
    二、整体系统方案的设计与确认    2
    2.1系统的含义    2
    2.2系统的频域分析    2
    2.3系统的时域分析    3
    2.4频率特性测试测量的方法和比较    3
    2.5系统设计的总体框图    4
    2.6系统主要功能模块的概述    4
    三、各个部位器件的论证与选择    4
    3.1微处理器的论证与选择    4
    3.2LCD屏幕的选择    5
    3.3信号源的选择    6
    3.3.1信号源的论证与选择    6
    3.3.2 信号源采用DDS技术的优点:    6
    3.4被测网络的选择    7
    四、 电路的设计    7
    4.1AD采样电路的设计    7
    4.2LCD的电路设计    8
    4.3键盘的设计    8
    4.4被测网络的设计与计算    9
    4.4.1被测双T网络的结构分析变换    9
    4.4.2双T网络的RC阻值确认    11
    4.4.3双    T网络的幅频和相频特性    12
    4.5 DDS电路的设计    13
    4.6工作指示灯的电路图    14
    五、 测试的方案和结果    15
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