
    摘要论文研究贻贝群河床模式的形成过程以及贻贝个体的随机运动模式,分析了由于贻贝个体之间的相互作用与栖息地环境的多变性所造成的贻贝随机运动模式,尝试从人工智能的角度对贻贝个体的随机运动进行仿真。模拟贻贝在为了适应生存环境的变化而进行的随机运动行为,其随机运动的策略与栖息地的贻贝密度息息相关,而贻贝个体运动的步长也服从某种随机分布,由此提出了基于Lévy walk、Brownian walk、Weibull distribution、Rayleigh distribution、Student’s t distribution等五种随机分布的贻贝群河床模式。对贻贝群体建立数学模型,研究贻贝个体在岩礁平面上的随机运动情况,同时根据贻贝群的河床模式,研究贻贝个体在空间范围内的随机运动,并结合数学算法与计算机,使用Matlab语言对其模拟仿真。47477


    毕业论文关键词: 贻贝群河床模式;人工生命;人工智能;随机运动;搜索策略

    Abstract  Paper studies the formation process of river pattern and mussels mussels group inpidual model of random motion,Analyses the interaction among inpiduals with mussels and habitat environment caused by the variability of mussels random motion model,Try from the Angle of the artificial intelligence of the random motion of mussels inpiduals are simulated.Simulation of mussels in in order to adapt to changes in the environment of the random motion behavior,The random motion of strategy is closely related with the density of mussel of habitat,Step length and mussels inpidual sports also subject to a random distribution,Which was proposed based on Levy walk, Brownian walk, Weibull distribution and Rayleigh distribution, Student 's t distribution and so on five kind of random distribution of mussel bed model.Mathematical model is established for mussels groups,The mussels random movement of inpidual on the reef flat,According to the river pattern of mussels group at the same time, the mussel inpiduals within the scope of the random motion in the space,Combined with the mathematical algorithm with the computer, the simulation using Matlab language.

    Thesis finally summarizes the content of the work and research, and needs further efforts in the direction of the future are put forward.

    Keywords: mussel group of river pattern; Artificial life; Artificial intelligence; Random motion;  Search strategy 

    目  录   

    第1章 绪论 2

    1.1课题研究背景及其意义 2

    1.2国内外的研究现状与水平 2

    1.3本课题的发展趋势 3

    第2章 人工智能与自然计算 3

    2.1人工智能 3

    2.1.1 人工智能的研究领域 3

    2.1.2自然计算 4

    2.2自然计算的研究领域 4

    2.2.1进化计算 4

    2.2.2生态计算 5

    2.3本章小结 5

    第3章 贻贝群河床模式的研究 5

    3.1贻贝群体随机运动模式研究 5

    3.1.1贻贝河床模式的自然特性 5

    3.1.2  随机过程 7

    3.2随机运动的贻贝河床模式 8

    3.2.1 Lévy随机运动

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