







    Abstract  Modern science and technology developed rapidly, especially in the military, infrastructure, marine and other areas of more rapid development. Military radar,positioning, gun firing, the balance of jobs in the construction of infrastructure, andmaintain a flat horizontal platform leveling technology needed in the navigation.

        In this paper, the grasp of the principle of leveling platform is stable and fast, andreversed the level of system research and design. Reading research on the leveling system information at home and abroad, analysis of the key technologies in the leveling system, and overall design. At the same time in order to facilitate the study, in this paper the leveling system is pided into three: 1. Execution system. Detection system. Control system.

    1) The first in the execution system is selected according to design requirement sparameters of the hydraulic system as the execution system. Valves control the hydraulic system analysis options. In the final design of the hydraulic system.

    2) detection system clear detection of the angle detection. Calculated parameters of the system size, the detection accuracy in the sensor. The limit detection system is todetermine the height of the legs. In this design, the main problem of virtual leg problem is that by setting the pressure sensor to decision solution.

    3) control system the main strategies to determine the swap level. And the hydraulic cylinder to achieve status with conventional PID control module in MATLAB Simulink simulation. After the simulation of this hydraulic cylinder system design requirements.

         Then this article will be in accordance with each system parameter requirements of the hydraulic system design, selection of the detection system and control system design to meet the design requirements, after checking test.

    Keyword:Hydraulic servo valve;PID;Leveling strategy;simulink simulation;visio


    第一章 绪 论 1

    1.1   课题的目的和意义 1

     1.2   国内外现状 1

     1.3   关键技术 2

     1.4   本文主要研究工作

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