
    摘要 :目前为止,自动控制系统的应用遍布人民的日常生活和工业生产的各个领域,其中在运动控制系统这一领域,自动调速的电机控制系统的应用是最广泛的,因为是有许多的生产要求在特定的环境内对速度必须实现平滑调节,目的是为了要保证系统有良好的稳态性能和动态性能。本设计所研究的以PLC作为核心部件,以伺服电机驱动器作为控制核心的伺服电机控制系统,是通过软硬件结合的方式对直流伺服电机控制系统的转速实现闭环控制,实现转速的无级调节。 至于伺服电机的闭环控制,可以充分利用WPS软件实现对信号输入响应的动态仿真和校正,深入研究WPS的控制作用以及WPS各参数值对控制系统的影响,同时还可以更熟练地掌握在 自动控制系统中应用广泛的WPS软件。49840

    毕业论文关键词: PLC;伺服电机控制系统;WPS   

    Design of motor control system based on PLC

    Abstract: so far, the application of automatic control system in all field of people's daily life and industrial production, including in the field of motion control system, the application of the automatic speed control of motor control system is widely used, because there is a lot of production requirements in a specific environment to achieve a smooth adjustment to speed the purpose is to ensure that the system has good steady-state performance and dynamic performance. The research of this design uses PLC as the core component, the servo motor drive as servo motor control system, speed is by the combination of hardware and software of the DC servo motor control system to achieve closed-loop control, realize the stepless speed regulation. As for closed-loop control of servo motor, it can realize dynamic simulation and correction on the response of the input signal by using the WPS software, the control research of WPS And the parameters of each WPS value influence to control system, also can be more skilled master in automatic control system in the application of a WPS software.

    Keywords: PLC;servo motor control system;WPS

    目    录

    摘要 1

    引言 1

    1.课题研究现状及面临问题 2

    1.1 课题研究现状 2

    1.2 课题研究面临的问题 3

    2.直流电机控制系统 3

    2.1直流电机控制系统的功能分析 3

    2.2 直流伺服电动机基本原理 5

    3.直流电机控制系统的硬件设计 6

    3.1直流电机控制系统的组成 6

    3.2 PLC的选型 6

    3.3伺服电机及其驱动器的选型 7

    3.4感应器的选型 8

    4.直流电机控制系统的软件设计 9

    4.1 I/O表设计 9

    4.2 梯形图设计 9

    5.直流电机控制系统的仿真结果 13

    5.1 硬件测试 13

    5.2 软件测试 16

    5.3 仿真结果 18

    6.总结与展望 18

    6.1 总结 18

    6.2 展望 19

    参考文献 20

    致  谢

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