


    毕业论文关键字:智能算法  样本采集  神经网络  仿真分析

     Abstract With the continuous development of science and technology ,and the higher requirement is raised on the structural property, cost and reliability of mechanics, the optimal range and optimal difficulty become more difficult. Traditional optimization methods sometimes can not satisfied the requirements of the design. In order to meet the needs of the modern design,The intelligent algorithm (such as neural network algorithm) came into being.MATLAB a software developed by Mathworks,a company of United States,which can be used on various occasions. It is not only easiy to program, convenient to set parameter, but also integrate almost all the toolbox of traditional and intelligent optimization

    algorithm , providing a great convenience to the designers.

     In this article,I will,firstly, describe how to get the sample of neural network through MATLAB programming , secondly ,create and train the neural network, thirdly ,use optimization toolbox to achieve the optimization of practical projects, and finally use engineering software,Pro / e,complete simulation analysis to test and verify the results.It can be a important reference to the actual design of the project.

    Keywords: intelligent algorithm   sample collection   neural network   simulation analysis   

    目  录

    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1 研究现状 1

    1.2 研究意义和目的 2

    第二章 前馈接收装置的运动学分析 3

    2.1装置起始位置和时间 3

    2.2装置的加速度分析 3

    2.2.1装置B上摆的加速度 4

    2.2.2装置B回摆的加速度 5

    2.2.3装置同步和静止加速度 5

    2.2.4装置B的最大加速度 5

    2.3装置的位置分析 7

    2.3装置的速度分析 8

    第三章 前馈接收装置的动力学分析 11

    3.1装置所需的最小扭矩 11

    3.1.1装置上摆阶段的扭矩 11

    3.1.2装置同步阶段的扭矩 12

    3.1.3装置回摆阶段的扭矩 13

    3.1.4装置B静止阶段的扭矩 14

    3.1.5装置B所需的最大扭矩 14

    3.2装置所需的最小功率 16

    第四章 神经网络的创建和训练

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