


    毕业论文关键词:步进电动机  半导体制冷模块  活塞压力缸  PLC

    Instrument calibration experiment and training system design

    Abstract According to the requirements of the industrial field, the sensor's performance directly affects the quality of test results, so regular instrument calibration is necessary. Experimental Training calibration device designed in this paper is simple to operate, and also has very good reliability, operability and stability, not only can use the PC to set measurement points, automatically create pressure build warm, you can also manually pressure cylinder pressure for students to perform experiments provide a viable opportunity for learners and create good conditions.

    This design consists of three main components: a standard stirrer and temperature module uses semiconductor cooling module respectively perform heating and cooling oil tank, take high-precision temperature sensor to monitor the real-time temperature; standard pressure module uses a stepper motor traction piston cylinder way to generate standard pressure, with the use of high-precision pressure sensor calibration; use of PLC control and display module and the computer is connected with the MCGS to set the appropriate measurement points, collect relevant data.

    Keywords: Stepper motors  Semiconductor refrigeration module  Piston cylinder  Programmable Logic Controller

     目  录

    摘要 Ⅰ 


    目录 Ⅲ 

    图清单 Ⅳ 

    1  绪论 1

      1.1  引言 1

      1.2  检定系统的概述 1

      1.3  国内外发展概况与趋势 2

      1.4  研究课题的目标和意义 2

      1.5  本章小结 3

    2  仪器仪表校验实验实训装置系统总体方案设计 4

      2.1  仪器仪表校验实验实训装置系统总体结构 4

      2.2  仪器仪表校验实验实训装置总体目标和技术指标 5

      2.3  本章小结 5

    3  温度校验子系统 6

      3.1  温度校验系统概述 6

      3.2  半导体制冷模块 8

      3.3  加热模块 10

      3.4  本章小结 10

    4  压力校验子系统

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