    最终完成了磁流变延期解除保险机构试验数据管理系统的开发。系统底层数据库采用Microsoft SQL Server 2005,系统前台界面开发采用ASP.NET技术,后台程序开发运行采用C#语言。开发的磁流变延期解除保险机构试验数据管理系统可以使用户无需在客户端计算机上安装任何软件即可通过浏览器在其相应的权限范围内实现对网络数据库中信息的查询和管理。
    关键词  磁流变液  延期解除保险机构  试验  .NET平台  Web数据库
    Title    The establishment of test database for the MRF delay                     
     arming device     Abstract
    The establishment of test database for the Magneto-rheological fluid(MRF) delay arming device, can achieve effective management of its test data, and provide reference data for the Mechanism design and test research.
    Management system of test data of MRF delay arming device was develope. By taking advantage of the database technology, The test data management system was studied based on test data of the MRF delay arming device. The platform of .NET and methods of developing web-based database system on it were introduced firstly. After the detailed analysis of the functions and architecture of the test data management system, the collective scheme of the system was presented. Adopted the three-level B/S architecture, the system modules were developed on the platform of .NET.
    Using tools of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and C# programming language, the management system of test data of MRF delay arming device built ultimately can make the designer only use browser at the client computer to search and manage the information of the database without the need of any software else, but it must be not exceed the user’s authority.
    Keywords  Magneto-rheological fluid  delay arming  test  .NET platform web database
    目   次
    1    引言    1
    1.1    课题研究的背景及意义    1
    1.2    磁流变液延期解除保险机构简介    1
    1.3    数据库技术    3
    1.4    论文的主要内容    5
    2    .NET开发平台下Web数据库开发技术    6
    2.1    .NET开发平台概述    6
    2.2    Web数据库的体系结构    11
    2.3    .NET平台下数据库访问技术ADO.NET    15
    3    磁流变延期解除保险机构试验数据管理系统的设计    17
    3.1    系统的总体设计    17
    3.2    磁流变延期解除保险机构试验数据库的设计    22
    4    磁流变延期解除保险机构试验数据管理系统的实现    28
    4.1    网站数据库连接设计    28
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