    摘要多传感器信息融合系统中,由于各传感器采样周期或开机时刻不同,造成了测量数据时间不匹配的问题。时间配准是多传感器系统中信息数据融合的前提条件之一。本论文首先介绍时间配准的经典方法:内插外推法、最小二乘虚拟法、拉格朗日插值法的基本原理,然后利用 进行仿真,分析了各种方法的适用范围和优缺点。内插外推法和最小二乘虚拟法仅适用于目标做匀速直线运动的最简单情况。拉格朗日插值法适用于目标做匀速直线运动和匀加速直线运动的情况。最小二乘虚拟法配准效果较好,计算简便,但约束条件较多,不利于实际工程中应用。内插外推法的配准误差较大,但由于其应用限制少、计算简便,因此更加利于工程实现。拉格朗日插值法配准公式复杂,计算量大,但适用范围更广。通过本文的分析比较,可为工程实现提供有益的参考。9018
    关键词  信息融合  时间配准  内插外推法  最小二乘虚拟法  拉格朗日插值法
    Title  Study on Time Registration Algorithm for Multi-sensor
     Asynchronous Fusion                               
    For the nonidentity of sampling periods and start-up time, time registration technology is one of the prerequisites for asynchronous fusion in the multi-sensor information fusion system. First we introduced the classical approaches for time registration: Interpolation method, Least Squares method and Lagrange interpolation method. Then we used MATLAB to analyze the scope and the advantages and disadvantages above the classical methods. Interpolation method and Least Squares method can only applicable to uniform linear motional objects. Lagrange interpolation method is not only suitable for uniform linear motional objects but uniformly accelerated rectilinear motional objects. By contrast, the registration error of Least Squares method is smaller, and it has less calculation. But the method restricts more and is not conducive to practical engineering applications. Interpolation method, however, has much bigger registration error but with fewer restrictions and simpler calculation. So it is better applied in engineering projects. Lagrange interpolation method applies more broadly with the formula more complex and calculation more complicated. Through the analysis of classical methods of time registration in this paper, we can provide a useful reference for engineering realization.
    Keywords  Information fusion  time registration  Interpolation method  Least Squares method  Lagrange interpolation method
    目   次
    1 引言    1
    1.1  研究背景    1
    1.2  研究现状    2
    1.3  研究内容及论文安排    5
    2  经典时间配准方法简介    5
    2.1  内插外推法    5
    2.2  最小二乘虚拟法    7
    2.3  拉格朗日插值法    9
    3  仿真分析    10
    3.1  内插外推法    10
    3.2  最小二乘虚拟法    15
    3.3  拉格朗日插值法    20
    3.4  经典时间配准方法比较    25
    结论    27
    致谢    29
    参考文献    30
    1 引言
    1.1  研究背景
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