    关键词   车牌定位 边缘检测 字符分割 字符识别
    Title       The Research and Implementation of License Plate  Location                                           
    The graduate design use the digital image processing technology and Matlab software programming to achieve the positioning of the plate area, plate character segmentation and the license plate character recognition, with emphasis on the reserch and implementation of the license plate location algorithm.
    The license plate recognition system consists of image preprocessing, the positioning of the plate area, character segmentation and character recognition, which preprocessing including image intensity, image enhancement and image binarization, then by using the Canny operator to detect  edge ,and use open and closing operation to filter the extracted image; plate region positioning is mainly carried out through the connected region height to width ratio range of settings to determine the license plate area; section of character segmentation, including the license plate angle correction and use of horizontal projection and vertical projection to remove the license plate border, then the character segmentation is based on the height and width of the characters; the character recognition part is mainly based on template matching to identify the license plate characters.
    This article has made a detailed analysis of the license plate positioning system design principles, processes, and the inadequacies of the system has been described.
    Keywords  License Plate Location    Edge Detection    Character Segmentation    Character Recognition
     目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题背景    1
    1.2  车牌定位技术的现状    1
    1.3  本论文主要内容    3
    2  车牌识别算法简介    4
    2.1  图像预处理    4
    2.2  车牌的定位    6
    2.3  基于模板匹配的字符识别    7
    3  车牌定位识别系统的组成    7
    3.1  系统的实现功能    7
    3.2  系统的功能模块    7
    3.3  应用软件    8
    4  程序设计及实现    8
    4.1  图像预处理    8
    4.2  车牌区域定位    11
    4.3  车牌图像中字符的分割    16
    4.4  字符识别    19
    4.5  实验结果    21
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