    关键词  过程控制  PID算法  Intouch软件  DDE
    Title    Control system design and Realization of     dynamic data exchange technology                  
    Process control is an important branch in industrial automation,in metallurgy, machinery, chemical industry, electric power and other aspects ,it has a wide range of applications.Process control is mainly refers to liquid level, temperature, flow and other process variables in control, in which the liquid level control technology in real life, plays an important role in the production.
    This paper takes water tank level control system as the research object, using the PCL-812PG interface card to design the water tank level control system. Aiming at the characteristics of water level control system, using VC++ to design level single loop fixed value control system software, using Intouch industrial configuration software to finish the design of the monitoring interface of the system, and using dynamic data exchange technology to achieve the real time data exchange of the monitoring software and control software .
    Keywords  Process control  PID algorithm  Intouch software  DDE
    目   次

    1  绪论    1
    1.1  过程控制系统概述    1
    1.2  过程控制系统的发展概况及前景    1
    1.3  过程控制系统的特点及要求    2
    1.4  论文研究内容及章节安排    3
    2  水箱控制系统及PID算法介绍    4
    2.1  实验室水箱系统    4
    2.2  PCL-812PG板卡功能介绍    4
    2.3  PID控制算法介绍    5
    3  利用INTOUCH工业组态软件制作监控界面    9
    3.1  INTOUCH软件介绍    9
    3.2  监控界面制作    10
    4  动态数据交换技术及液位控制软件的设计    16
    4.1  DDE的现实意义    16
    4.2  DDE的基本概念    16
    4.3  利用VC++开发DDE客户端与INTOUCH监控界面连接    17
    4.4  动态数据交换的实现    18
    4.5  液位单回路控制系统软件的设计    21
    5  系统运行及结果分析    23
    5.1  运行步骤    23
    5.2  实际运行结果的简单技术指标分析    23
    结  论    27
    致  谢    28
    参 考 文 献    29
    1  绪论
    1.1  过程控制系统概述
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