摘 要:人们的生活水平日益提高,家庭防盗事件变得越来越重要。传统机械锁由于结构简单,安全系数低。随着科技的进步,电子密码锁安全系数高,保密性好,受到了越来越多用户的青睐。
毕业论文关键词: 单片机;电子密码锁;液晶显示
Abstract:The living standard of people is increasing day by day, the family security events are becoming more and more important。 The traditional mechanical lock because of its simple structure, low safety factor。 With the progress of science and technology, electronic combination lock safety coefficient is high, the secrecy good, the more and more users。
This topic designs an electronic lock based on SCM AT89C51 which is the core control device。 Besides the usual lock function, this electronic lock can alarm automatically and the password can be modified。 Of course, it has many other functions。 This system use the concept of modular design。 The system is pided into six modular: SCM, clock chip, LCD, power-down protection, password-input and alarm。 The thesis detailedly describe the system from the design of hardware modular, software flow-chart, C language programming and other aspects。
The electronic combination lock performance is stable, the price is low, it has certain novelty and practicability, has broad market prospects。
Key words:Single-Chip Computer;electronic code lock;LCD display
目 录
1 绪论 1
1。1 本课题目前发展状况 1
1。2 课题设计目的及意义 1
1。3 本课题设计内容及主要工作 2
2 总体系统方案的设计 2
2。1 各模块设计方案的选择确定 2
2。2总体系统方案的设计 4
3 系统硬件设计 4
3。2 显示电路的设计 6
3。3 掉电保护电路的设计 8
3。4 键盘接口电路的设计 9
3。5 开锁电路的设计 10
3。6报警电路的设计 11
3。7 电源电路设计 12
3。8本章小结 13
4 系统软件设计 13
4。1 系统总体功能与主程序的设计 13
4。2 显示子程序的设计 15
4。3 键盘扫描子程序 16
4。4 密码比较模块 17
4。5 本章小结 18
5 系统调试与仿真 18