    关键词  直流输电 潮流计算 交替迭代法 P-Q分解法
    Title    Power Flow Calculation Algorithm of  AC-DC Hybrid    Transmission Systems                 
    As HVDC is widely used in modern power systems, power system has become an AC-DC hydrate system. The flow calculation is the basic calculation of steady-state analysis of the power system, power flow algorithm for AC-DC hybrid systems did not developed. Therefore, the study of power flow algorithm for AC-DC hybrid transmission system is quite significant.
    This paper introduces the basic concepts of the DC lines and the two most common power flow algorithms of AC-DC systems-unity iteration method and alternating iterative method. This paper then introduces the thoughts and realization process program for alternate iterative method, in which the Newton-Raphson method and the P-Q decoupled method are used in the AC part. An example of 4 machine 11 nodes system is calculated, resulting in the voltage amplitude and phase Angle of each node, the power flow of the branch and DC parameters. The iteration times and computing time of the two algorithms is compared. In addition, this paper also makes some improvement on the program-the GUI interface is used to make the algorithm much easier for operators.
    The results of the examples verify the correctness of the program and effectiveness of alternating iterative method.
    Keywords  HVDC,Power flow calculation,Alternating iterative method,P-Q decoupled method
      目   次
    1 绪论    1
    1.1课题背景与意义    1
    1.2相关概念    1
    1.3国内外研究现状    2
    1.4本文的主要工作    4
    2 直流输电的基本原理    5
    2.1概述    5
    2.2直流输电的基本概念    6
    2.3 直流输电的基本方程    8
    2.4 本章小结    10
    3 交流系统的潮流算法    11
    3.1潮流计算问题的数学模型    11
    3.2 常用潮流算法介绍    13
    3.3 本章小结    18
    4 交直流混联系统的潮流算法    19
    4.1 标幺制下的换流器基本方程    19
    4.2潮流计算方程式    20
    4.3潮流计算方程式的雅克比矩阵    22
    4.4统一迭代法    23
    4.5交替迭代法    23
    4.6 本章小结    24
    5 潮流计算程序编写及算例分析    25
    5.1基于P-Q分解法的交替迭代法程序设计    25
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