毕业论文关键词 Boost铝电解电容在线监测仿真ESR和C
Title Online Monitoring of ESR and C for Output Capacitance in Boost Converter of CCM Mode
This paper demonstrates a new method of non-intrusively online monitoring capacitance, which monitors the electrolytic capacitor by ESR and C online based on the Boost converter output voltage ripple in CCM mode。 Nowadays, the circuit state monitoring is becoming increasingly important, and the electrolytic capacitor is extremely crucial to it。 This paper, on the basis of the study on electrolytic capacitor before, sums up the failure mechanism of electrolytic capacitor and discusses its equivalent model , as well as failure criterion。
According to analysis of boost converter in continuous conduction mode, the ESR and C formula can be derived。 Therefore the corresponding circuits will be designed and the simulation be made in saber to verify the feasibility of the scheme。 At the same time, the whole
system has the advantages of simple circuit and no need for current transformer。
目 次
1引言 1
2铝电解电容失效分析 3
2。1铝电解电容的结构及性能特点 3
2。2铝电解电容等效模型及失效分析 5
3基于纹波电压获取铝电解电容容值和等效电阻的理论分析 8
3。1Boost变换器工作模式分析 8
3。2理论推导 10
3。3理论验证 13
4电路设计 18
4。1开关管驱动电路 18
4。1。1MOS管驱动芯片SG3525 18
4。1。2SG3525的工作原理 20
4。1.3SG3525配置 20
4。1。4IR2110驱动加强 21
4。2触发电路 22
4。3采样隔离电路 24
4。4系统电路 24
5仿真结果与分析 26
6结论 35
致谢 36
参考文献 37
第II页 本科毕业设计说明书