摘 要如今我国经济飞速发展,在人民生活水平提高的同时,能源紧缺问题也日益凸显 出来,电力资源短缺已成为限制经济发展的主要矛盾。数据显示,照明用电占电力资 源的 15%左右,其中公共照明占其中 30%。因此,节能照明成为一个新的研究方向。 校园中,道路上路灯无法做到能源利用最大化。大多为人为控制开关,消耗大量人力 物力。所以,设计开发一套 24 小时校园智能路灯系统具有很积极的意义。

本文提出一种基于 CAN 总线的智能路灯监控系统设计方案。上位机使用 PC 机, 负责对系统实时监控,同时负责数据的接受和管理以及发送控制命令。并使用 Visual Basic 设计可视化界面,做到可以直观的监控路灯实时情况。下位机采用 AT89C51 单 片机作为处理器,负责数据检测及控制工作状态。使用光敏传感器,可以根据外界光 强的变化控制灯的光照强度。为了在实验室中模拟智能路灯监控系统及实现可视化界 面,本文选用合理元件搭建出基于 RS232 串口技术的智能照明监控系统实物。制作 实物时选用 PC 机、AT89C51 单片机、MAX232 智能芯片和 GY-30 光照度传感器。时 钟芯片采用 DALLAS 公司生产的高性能低功率的 DS1302 芯片。它不仅可以进行精 确到秒的记时,而且具有闰年补偿功能。系统经过实验,可以达到设计要求,且工作 稳定,具有实际应用价值。79792

毕业论文关键词:CAN 总线;智能路灯;监控系统

Abstract With the rapid development of economy and the improvement of people's living standard, the problem of energy shortage has become increasingly prominent。And the shortage of power resources has become the main contradiction of the economic development。 It is shown that the lighting electricity accounted for about 15% of the power resources, which accounted for 30% of public lighting。 Therefore, energy-saving lighting has become a new research direction。 Road street lights in campus can not be used to maximize energy。 Most of them are manual control switch,wasting a lot of manpower and material resources。 Therefore, the design and development of a set of 24 hours campus intelligent street lamp system has a very positive significance。

This paper puts forward a kind of intelligent street lamp monitoring system based on CAN Bus。 The host computer uses PC, which is responsible for the real-time monitoring of the system, and it’s responsible for the acceptance and management of the data and the control of the transmission。 And we use Visual Basic designing visual interface, so that it can monitor the implementation of street lighting。 The slave computer adopts AT89C51 Microcontrollers as the processor, which is responsible for the data detection and control。 The light intensity of the lamp can be controlled according to the change of the external light intensity by using the photosensitive sensor。 In order to simulate the intelligent street lamp monitoring system and achieve the visual interface in the laboratory, this paper chooses the appropriate components to build an intelligent street lamp monitoring system based on RS232 serial。 When making real objects, we choose PC, AT89C51 Microcontrollers, MAX232 chip and the GY-30 light sensor。 Clock chip uses DALLAS production of high performance low power DS1302 chip。 It can not only be accurate to the second time, but also has a leap year compensation function。 Using those components to build a material object, through experiment, the system can achieve the design requirements。The work is stable and has practical application value。

Key Words:CAN Bus;intelligent street lamp;monitoring system


第一章 绪论 1

1。1 选题的目的和意义 1

1。2 本课题国内、外研究现状及存在问题

















