    关键词  智能汽车  视觉导引  路径识别  硬件设计
    Title  Design and Realization of Smart Car for The Seventh Freescale Cup Smart Car Contest —— Hardware Design of Visual Guidance Intelligent Vehicle Control System                                        
    According to the Seventh Freescale Cup National Undergraduate Smart Car Contest, the visual guidance intelligent vehicle control system is proposed in this thesis. First of all, the difficulty caused by the new rule is analyzed. And then a overall system scheme is caught up . The overall structure and the microcontroller system module design are taken on after that. To transfer the Modular design idea into practice, the top-down modular approach is used to design hardware system for the smart cars. Appropriate components is selected for the MCU module, power management module, path recognition module, motor drive module, servo module, speed measurement module, isolation module, man-machine interface module and wireless communication module. According to the EMC theory and body shape, the whole PCB is designed particularly. Finally, The optimization of the mechanical structure is made. Also, the debugging of each functional module of hardware circuit and the alignment of the vehicle system are achieved. Practical results show that the hardware system performance is excellent and meets the requirements.
    Keywords  Smart Car  Visual Guidance  Path Recognition  Hardware Design
    目  次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  课题研究背景及意义    1
    1.2  智能车辆研究的主要内容    1
    1.3  智能车辆研究方向    2
    1.4  国内外智能车发展现状    3
    1.5  飞思卡尔智能车比赛简介    5
    1.6  本文主要研究内容安排及说明    6
    2  视觉导引车总体设计方案    8
    2.1  整体方案设计    8
    2.2  系统总体结构描述    9
    2.3  系统工作原理    9
    2.4  本章小结    11
    3  视觉导引车硬件电路设计    12
    3.1  硬件电路整体设计框图    12
    3.2  系统控制模块    13
    3.3  电源管理模块    16
    3.4  视频信号采集处理模块    22
    3.5  舵机驱动模块    26
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