    本文首先说明利用以太网对嵌入式设备应用程序进行升级的意义和升级系统的硬件平台,阐述整个系统的整体实现框架,着重叙述了利用Flash API函数进行Flash编程的具体步骤,通信协议的裁剪和应用层设计,最后介绍对整个升级过程进行控制的上位机软件设计和其中用到的关键技术。实际的实验结果表明该升级平台实现了利用以太网对嵌入式设备软件进行的自动化升级,并且提高了嵌入式设备的应用性、可文护性、增强了嵌入式系统的技术生命力。10417
    关键词  嵌入式系统  远程升级  在应用编程   以太网
    Title    Embedded devices remotely update platform                
    With the development of embedded technology, more and more embedded devices have networking capabilities. In the same time, in order to adapt to rapid changes in market demand and the satisfy requirements of the device upgrade, embedded devices which are put into practical application often need to update their applications .The traditional update platform requires removal equipment or on-site connection to upgrade the communication interface, which spend a lot of time, effort and cost. This paper presents an Ethernet embedded devices remotely upgrade platform, which has broad application prospects.
    The article first analyzes the Ethernet upgrade significance and introduce the TMS320F2812 DSP chip-based hardware platform, described the overall system implementation framework, focus on the specific steps describing how to use Flash API function, communication cutting of the agreement and the application layer design. Finally, talks about the control PC software designed for the entire upgrade process, and one of the key technologies used in the software .A experimental results show that the update platform     achieves the expected target that using the Ethernet to remotely update   the application program of the embedded devices, This platform brings many conveniences, which enhance the technique vitality of DSP systems, to the software maintenance and upgrade of the DSP systems.
    Keywords  Embedded system  Remote upgrade   IAP   Ethernet
    1  概述    1
    1.1  课题研究意义    1
    1.2  国内外发展历程和研究现状    2
    1.3  本文主要工作和安排    3
    2  嵌入式设备远程升级平台的总体设计    4
    2.1  嵌入式设备远程升级平台的硬件    4
    2.2  嵌入式设备远程升级平台的软件    6
    3  利用在应用编程(IAP)技术实现Flash烧写    8
    3.1  Flash烧写原理    8
    3.2  TMS320F2812 Flash API V2.10简介    9
    3.3  Flash烧写的具体实现    10
    4  通信模块设计    15
    4.1  通信芯片CP2200和TCP/IP协议栈简介    15
    4. 2  通信模块设计    17
    5  上位机软件设计和.out文件分析    20
    5.1  COFF文件分析及提取升级段信息算法    20
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